From Upstate University Hospital CEO
Robert Corona, DO, MBA
As CEO, I am impressed every day by what I see in our hospital.
Through these communications I hope to share with you the achievements I see here, as well
as insights as to where we are headed, so you too can have the same knowledge of what we
are doing to keep Upstate University Hospital — and our entire clinical system — continually
moving forward.
The Upstate Hospital Vision
When employees have asked me about our vision for Upstate University Hospital, I center the discussions around the pillars that build our reputation:
- Quality of Care
- The Upstate Experience
- Advanced Teams and Technology
- Sustainability
These pillars were selected after looking carefully at what we need to keep doing now to keep our hospital at the forefront of the best care, but also what will create the future for Upstate, where we can continue to fulfill the mission of being a smart, innovating teaching hospital.
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New Cardiology Doctors at Upstate
It was exciting to be part of the recent announcement that Upstate is expanding its cardiology services. In fact, we essentially are doubling our number of cardiologists. The addition of eight new faculty members — all talented and caring physicians — is a benefit not only to our patients but to our teaching mission as well.
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Full Value of Our Survey
I'm happy to report that this week we received full accreditation to DNV Healthcare for a three-year term. This award requires an annual survey, and we had that successful visit last month. If you work at the hospital you know that these visits happen rather suddenly and that the surveyors can ask to review any aspect of how we run our hospital.
I know how much teamwork already is in place to meet these high standards. In visiting the entire hospital last month they found only seven things we needed to fix. This was half the number from the last visit, and all have been taken care of. We also received very positive feedback from the surveyors themselves. (When you hear that one of our visitors would seek care here if needed, you know you’re on the right path.)
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About Upstate
SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY, is the only academic medical center in Central New York.
It is also the region's largest employer with half its workforce supporting patient care.
Contact Info
750 East Adams St. Syracuse, NY, USA
315 464-5800