From Upstate University Hospital CEO
Robert Corona, DO, MBA
As CEO, I am impressed every day by what I see in our hospital.
Through these communications I hope to share with you the achievements I see here, as well
as insights as to where we are headed, so you too can have the same knowledge of what we
are doing to keep Upstate University Hospital — and our entire clinical system — continually
moving forward.
Earlier this month, Upstate University Hospital saw a record number of patients. Not only a record since we’ve reopened after the start of the pandemic — but a record for all time.
This is truly a remarkable achievement, and one we wouldn’t have envisioned just a few months ago. It’s a bright sign in what is still a very financially challenging time, but it shows us that we are on the right track.
I want to thank everybody who has supported the safe care of our patients and who have worked hard so patients can be seen as quickly as possible. What may surprise people is that not much of this volume is related to the pandemic. It is a mix, ranging from people who had to postpone elective care to patients who requested Upstate or who are referred to our services. We want to continue to be able to assure all patients — and their referring physicians — that we are fully committed to keeping needed procedures on track. Related to this, we are assembling a Tiger Team to take a closer look at eliminating bottlenecks and other ways to keep working at maximum efficiency.
We’ve made great progress in seeing patients since our reopening in June. Keeping vigilant about our safety measures is part of sustaining this direction and is key to keep our patients confident in Upstate. Because our brains need fresh reminders, you will be seeing some new activities related to keeping masks at the top of mind.
As we are in the mask wearing for the long haul we need to support everyone in proper mask use. A reminder to check a mask isn’t a confrontation – it’s offered as protection. Proper mask wearing keeps us safe from spread as well as safe from fines and employment consequences. Upstate has emerged as a leader in advice and protection and our actions have to reflect that.
One of the strategic pillars for our hospital is “Advanced Teams and Technology.” The new robot in Neurosurgery — and the teams it supports — is a great example of supporting this goal. Neurosurgeons can use this very precise tool to perform multi-electrode surgeries in half the time it took previously. This minimally invasive process expands the treatment options for some patients with seizure disorders.
It's also important to note the context — Upstate not only has the largest brain surgery team in the area, we also are home to the region’s only level-4 Epilepsy Center. Here, the Neurology team provides personalized monitoring, treatment plans, and works closely with Neurosurgery if a patient is a candidate for surgery.
New technologies at Upstate don’t stand alone; they provide unique strengths to the advanced, multidisciplinary programs that thrive at a teaching hospital.
About Upstate
SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY, is the only academic medical center in Central New York.
It is also the region's largest employer with half its workforce supporting patient care.
Contact Info
750 East Adams St. Syracuse, NY, USA
315 464-5800