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  •  SEEING RED: Med Best employees celebrate Wear Red Day and American Heart Month Jan.7 to raise awareness of heart disease, which is the leading cause of death among women in the United States.
    SEEING RED: Med Best employees celebrate Wear Red Day and American Heart Month Jan.7 to raise awareness of heart disease, which is the leading cause of death among women in the United States.
  • COME IN FROM THE COLD: Students turn up the heat on the dance floor at the Arctic Blast, a key date on the Upstate student social calendar. More than 300 students attend the event, held at the Oncenter.
    COME IN FROM THE COLD: Students turn up the heat on the dance floor at the Arctic Blast, a key date on the Upstate student social calendar. More than 300 students attend the event, held at the Oncenter.
  • GUBERNATORIAL VISIT: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul walks through the Upstate Emergency Department joined by, from left, Upstate President Mantosh Dewan, MD; SUNY Chancellor John King, Jr., and Chief Executive Officer Robert Corona, DO, MBA. Upstate acknowledged its appreciation to the governor for including $200 million in the Executive Budget to begin essential upgrades to region’s only Level 1 trauma center for adults and children.
    GUBERNATORIAL VISIT: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul walks through the Upstate Emergency Department joined by, from left, Upstate President Mantosh Dewan, MD; SUNY Chancellor John King, Jr., and Chief Executive Officer Robert Corona, DO, MBA. Upstate acknowledged its appreciation to the governor for including $200 million in the Executive Budget to begin essential upgrades to region’s only Level 1 trauma center for adults and children.
  • HEALTH JUSTICE DRAWS A CROWD: Upstate’s Health Justice Conference, held on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day Jan. 20, attracted several hundred participants to hear presentations on disability rights, reproductive health, the opioid epidemic, environmental health, and others. Mary Crossley, JD of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, delivered the keynote address on “Health Justice as Barrier Removal.”
    HEALTH JUSTICE DRAWS A CROWD: Upstate’s Health Justice Conference, held on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day Jan. 20, attracted several hundred participants to hear presentations on disability rights, reproductive health, the opioid epidemic, environmental health, and others. Mary Crossley, JD of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, delivered the keynote address on “Health Justice as Barrier Removal.”
  • POPPING INTO 2025: Administrators Stephanie Shattuck, left, and Mini Malhotra handed out popcorn to Upstate employees as part of a snack day to thank employees for their dedication and commitment to excellence.
    POPPING INTO 2025: Administrators Stephanie Shattuck, left, and Mini Malhotra handed out popcorn to Upstate employees as part of a snack day to thank employees for their dedication and commitment to excellence.
  • SEEING DOUBLE: About eight hours after delivering its first baby of the new year, the Upstate Family Birth Center welcomed twins, Thea (6:35 p.m.) and Fenn, (6:32 p.m.) to parents Jess and Shawna. Congratulations.
    SEEING DOUBLE: About eight hours after delivering its first baby of the new year, the Upstate Family Birth Center welcomed twins, Thea (6:35 p.m.) and Fenn, (6:32 p.m.) to parents Jess and Shawna. Congratulations.
  • PAINT SPLAT: Members of the Syracuse Orange women’s basketball team were on the receiving end of colorful paint splat for patients at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital.
    PAINT SPLAT: Members of the Syracuse Orange women’s basketball team were on the receiving end of colorful paint splat for patients at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital.
  • BABY NEW YEAR:  Introducing Ezra Jamie Robert Raichlin, the first baby born at the Upstate Family Birth Center in 2025. Ezra  entered the world at 10:21 a.m., Jan. 1, 2025, weighing 6 lbs., 5 oz. Congratulations to parents Kirsten Castagna and Kyle Raichlin.
    BABY NEW YEAR: Introducing Ezra Jamie Robert Raichlin, the first baby born at the Upstate Family Birth Center in 2025. Ezra entered the world at 10:21 a.m., Jan. 1, 2025, weighing 6 lbs., 5 oz. Congratulations to parents Kirsten Castagna and Kyle Raichlin.
  • PARADE OF HEREOS: Dozens of area law enforcement and EMS agencies participate in the Parade of Heroes in December to help spread holiday cheer to patients at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital. After arriving in their vehicles with flashing lights, the group waved to patients looking out from the windows and then served up a holiday meal for patients and families. The event was the second annual parade sponsored by Upstate University Police.
    PARADE OF HEREOS: Dozens of area law enforcement and EMS agencies participate in the Parade of Heroes in December to help spread holiday cheer to patients at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital. After arriving in their vehicles with flashing lights, the group waved to patients looking out from the windows and then served up a holiday meal for patients and families. The event was the second annual parade sponsored by Upstate University Police.
  • THE GIVING SEASON: Upstate’s Emerging Leaders United team coordinated the collection of personal care items and the contents for two My Place boxes that will help individuals transition to independent living. Volunteers donated these items to the Samaritan Center during their monthly breakfast shift, on this occasion helping serve nutritious meals to 290 individuals. Upstate volunteers, from left, are Jack Wenner, Andrea Claps, Scott Neal, Bobbie Jo Massena, Jennifer Dow, Matthew Capogreco, Christian Diou Ramirez, Dawn Edwards, William Lewis, Karen Boschen, Nicole Avellanet Crespo, and Samaritan Center Executive Director Mary Beth Frey. Members not pictured areTyler Paquin and Pamela Haines.
    THE GIVING SEASON: Upstate’s Emerging Leaders United team coordinated the collection of personal care items and the contents for two My Place boxes that will help individuals transition to independent living. Volunteers donated these items to the Samaritan Center during their monthly breakfast shift, on this occasion helping serve nutritious meals to 290 individuals. Upstate volunteers, from left, are Jack Wenner, Andrea Claps, Scott Neal, Bobbie Jo Massena, Jennifer Dow, Matthew Capogreco, Christian Diou Ramirez, Dawn Edwards, William Lewis, Karen Boschen, Nicole Avellanet Crespo, and…
  • TIS THE SEASON: Toys dropped off during Lights on the Lake Walk & 5K Run are donated to Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital to make the holidays a bit merrier for kids who can be home at this time of year.
    TIS THE SEASON: Toys dropped off during Lights on the Lake Walk & 5K Run are donated to Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital to make the holidays a bit merrier for kids who can be home at this time of year.
  • ANOTHER HONOR FOR NELSON:  Upstate’s Mary Nelson is greeted as she steps off a firetruck Dec. 14 as a Syracuse street is named in honor. Nelson, who works for Upstate Radiology, was recognized for her decades of service to the community, especially her Back-to-School BBQ that has provided school supplies for thousands of school kids. Among Nelson’s recent honors include an honorary doctorate.
    ANOTHER HONOR FOR NELSON: Upstate’s Mary Nelson is greeted as she steps off a firetruck Dec. 14 as a Syracuse street is named in honor. Nelson, who works for Upstate Radiology, was recognized for her decades of service to the community, especially her Back-to-School BBQ that has provided school supplies for thousands of school kids. Among Nelson’s recent honors include an honorary doctorate.

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