Three join Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Three new physicians have joined Upstate Medical University’s Department of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Division.
They are:
Ryan Butzko, DO, has been named assistant professor of pulmonary critical care. Butzko will see patients at Upstate University Hospital Downtown Campus, Community General Hospital location (including the Pulmonary Critical Care outpatient clinic), and the Upstate Sleep Center.
Butzko received his medical degree from the New York Institute of Technology’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his internal medicine residency at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and served as a fellow in pulmonary and critical care, and sleep medicine at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell.
Among his honors, Butzko received Best Poster Presentation Northwell/Hofstra Academic Competition and Research Symposium for “A Case of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome and Severe Cardiac Dysfunction After COVID-19 In an Adult.”
His recent abstracts and publications have addressed Budd Chiari syndrome and the use of forced oscillation technique in veterans with preserved spirometry and chronic respiratory symptoms in the Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology journal.
Phillip Gary, MD, has been named assistant professor of pulmonary critical care. He will see patients at Upstate University Hospital Downtown Campus and Upstate Health Care Center.
Before joining Upstate, Gary served as a clinical fellow in pulmonary and critical care at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. He earned his medical degree from Drexel University College of Medicine and served as chief resident at Lankenau Medical Center, Wynnewood, Penn.
Gary has been recognized with various honors, including John S. Zachariah, MD Award for Scholar, Teacher, and Humanitarian from Lankenau Medical Center.
Mansur Javaid, MD, has been named assistant professor of pulmonary critical care. He will see patients at Upstate University Hospital Downtown Campus and at the Upstate Health Care Center (UHCC).
Before joining Upstate, Javaid was a physician and assistant professor of medicine at University of Connecticut and at the Hospital of Center Connecticut New Britain. He received his medical degree from King Edward Medical College and completed residency training at the University of Connecticut.
He has published on various procedures, including bronchoscopy, fiber optic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing, chest tube insertion, and thoracentesis, among others.
Caption: Ryan Butzko, DO, Phillip Gary, MD, and Mansur Javaid, MD, have been named to the Upstate faculty, as pulmonary critical care specialists.