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2023 Articles

Upstate study links ingredient in sweeteners to liver cancer

Upstate study links ingredient in sweeteners to liver cancer

March 26, 2023

This is the first study to show the link between sugar alcohols and liver...

Working to help transplant patients, Upstate researcher awarded $3.2 million grant to help create treatment to fight HCMV infection

Working to help transplant patients, Upstate researcher awarded $3.2 million grant to help create treatment to fight HCMV infection

March 21, 2023

HCMV can significantly raise the chance of organ rejection, making its treatment...

Mollapour elected president-elect of the Cell Stress Society International

Mollapour elected president-elect of the Cell Stress Society International

March 20, 2023

He begins his two-year term as the society's president in 2025. The society...

Study led by Upstate professor reveals that insomnia increases heart attack risk

Study led by Upstate professor reveals that insomnia increases heart attack risk

March 15, 2023

Hani Aiash, MD, PhD, led a team of more than a dozen researchers from around the...

Three Upstate students, honored for their research, are among SUNY GREAT award winners

Three Upstate students, honored for their research, are among SUNY GREAT award winners

March 8, 2023

The Graduate Research Empowering and Accelerating Talent award winners from...

Upstate study shows links between insomnia and dementia

Upstate study shows links between insomnia and dementia

February 16, 2023

Dr Roger Wong and Margaret Lovier, MPH, say sleep disturbances are a public...

Expanding the definition of 'researcher'; encouraging nurse researchers at Upstate

Expanding the definition of 'researcher'; encouraging nurse researchers at Upstate

February 14, 2023

Jolene Kittle's early efforts in the job aimed at assisting nursing staff with...

Upstate MD/PhD student awarded American Heart Association fellowship, studying causes of heart disease

Upstate MD/PhD student awarded American Heart Association fellowship, studying causes of heart disease

February 1, 2023

Gargi Mishra was chosen by the AHA on the strength of her proposal to study the...

Findings of major Upstate-led clinical trial provide patients with new treatment options

Findings of major Upstate-led clinical trial provide patients with new treatment options

January 26, 2023

Study led by Dr Jeffrey Bogart found similar outcomes in once and twice-a-day...

A trio of Upstate winners highlight major ADHD conference

A trio of Upstate winners highlight major ADHD conference

January 26, 2023

A resident, medical student and faculty members are honored for their ADHD...
