2023 Articles

Hospital CEO Dr. Robert Corona named to the 2023 list of 101 academic medical center CEOs to know
June 21, 2023
According to Becker's, executives on this list are “trailblazers in the...

Trio of scholars say systematic reviews are in need of overhaul; their guidance now published in seven different journals
June 20, 2023
Upstate Professor Lynne Logan, PhD, joined with faculty at Wake Forest and...

CNYBAC selects 5 Medical Device Innovation teams
June 15, 2023
Medical device teams selected address a variety of ailments, from pressure sores...

New process for isolating actin from yeast opens doors for protein studies
June 13, 2023
Upstate paper makes cover of the Journal of Cell Science.

On the origin of congenital limb deficiency
June 7, 2023
David Hootnick, MD, offers a revolutionary new approach to the topic of...

Graduate Studies student wins SUNY Chancellor's Award
May 2, 2023
Alana Belkevich, who will earn her PhD at Upstate's Commencement May 7, is...

Upstate launches new webpage dedicated to helping nurses lead and conduct research
April 26, 2023
Website is in response to growing interest in nurses seeking to do research.

Upstate-led study finds stool transplants more effective than antibiotics for treating recurring, life-threatening gut infections
April 25, 2023
Study was led by Upstate pediatric gastroenterologist Aamer Imdad, MBBS.

SUNY Upstate professor named 80th best scientist in the world
April 20, 2023
The latest recognition for Steven Faraone, ADHD expert and SUNY Distinguished...

Upstate seeking participants for a pediatric Lyme disease vaccine clinical trial
April 13, 2023
Upstate is specifically looking for a minimum of 100 participants ages 12 to 17...