Urology earns recognition as a high performing speciality/program by U.S. News & World Reports
Urology at Upstate University Hospital has been recognized as a high performing program by U.S. News and World Reports 2023-2024 honor roll of best hospitals.
The recognition of Department of Urology as a high performing specialty is a new milestone reached by the Upstate as no other departments within the Upstate or any neighboring Syracuse and area hospitals had such a recognition.
To achieve its high performing status, Upstate Urology was assessed on numerous aspects of its care, including, discharging patients to home, patient experience, patient volume, nurse staffing, advanced technologies, patient services, 30-day survival after treating patients with complex conditions, as well as recommendations from other urologists.
“Upstate Urology is proud of its accomplishments and its commitment to patients,” said Upstate Urology Chair Gennady Bratslavsky, MD, the Phillip Capozzi, MD, Endowed Professor of Urology.
In addition to the ranking methodologies used by the magazine, Bratslavsky noted that the Urology team boasts world class faculty who hold leaderships roles in their respective disciplines and societies, fellowship trained surgeons and participants in any NIH-sponsored research projects, as well as numerous clinical trials and educational missions with residents and students.
Additionally, Upstate was recognized as high performing in the following procedures and conditions:
—Leukemia, Lymphoma and Melanoma
—Colon Cancer Surgery
—Lung Cancer Surgery
—Prostate Cancer Surgery
—Heart Attack
—Hip replacement
—Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
To review Upstate Urology’s scorecard, go here.