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Upstate New York Poison Center introduces online education

The Upstate New York Poison Center has launched a new free online education program aimed at teaching children and adults about poison center services and poison safety.

“The Poison Prevention Training Program can be ​implemented by parents, community leaders, care givers, ​or teachers,” said Gail Banach, pub​lic education director at Poison Center. “We hope this new training will be easy ​enough to encourage are primary audience to use ​the program, while help​ing us to spread the message of poison safety across our ​coverage area.”

Once registered, participants who live within our 54-county coverage area will have access to lesson plans, videos, activity sheets and more. Although self-paced, the training can generally be completed in less than an hour and is free of charge.

Following training, "teachers" will have access to all materials of their choice, appropriate to their "students.” The training website is here: http://bit.ly/35RxYfU.

Experts at Upstate New York Poison Center are available to address any questions with regarding to poisonings or suspected poisonings by calling 1800-222-1222, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Each year, the poison center manages more than 50,000 calls from the general public, health care providers, 911 operators, hospitals, businesses and schools, its 54-county service area. Of these calls: 77 percent are for unintentional exposures, 15 percent are for information only.



