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The 12th annual Beyond the Doctorate Research Day will be held virtually March 2


The 12th annual Beyond the Doctorate Research Day will be held virtually this year on March 2.

It is a day to celebrate the research of postdoctoral associates, not including students, residents and fellows.

The program will begin at 1 p.m. with several short talks followed by the keynote address from at 3 p.m. and a virtual poster session from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Ramiro L. Gutiérrez, MD, deputy chief and medical director of Infectious Disease Associates will give the keynote address, "The Enduring Burden of Enteric Pathogens: Challenges and Progress in Vaccine Development."

Posters will be presented via breakout rooms on zoom, and viewers can choose which rooms to enter to see a PDF of the poster and hear a presentation. Breakout rooms will be labeled by poster number and the presenter’s first and last name.

The event is sponsored by the College of Graduate Studies and Graduate Medical Education.

A zoom link and abstract of the poster projects will be available here (https://www.upstate.edu/postdoc/postdoc_life/beyond-doctorate-research-day/event-details.php) on the morning of the event.

The schedule for talks is as follows:  

1  to 1:15 p.m. Harry Ramcharran, MD (Resident; Medicine)

“The Role of Static and Dynamic Strain on Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury”

1:15 –to 1:30 p.m.Cassandra Barnes, PhD (Postdoc; Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences)

“Amphibian Arrestin 1 Forms Dimers Using a Novel Interaction Interface”

1:30 to 1:45 p.m. Marcia DesJardin, MD (Resident; Obstetrics and Gynecology)

“Pregnant Women’s Opinions on the COVID Vaccination in Pregnancy”

1:45 to 2 p.m. Ryan Palumbo, PhD (Postdoc; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

“A Drosophila Model of Treacher Collins Syndrome Reveals a Requirement for a Clinically-Relevant Residue of POLR1D at Multiple Stages of Development”

2  to  2:15 p.m. Ayorinde Soipe, MBBS (Resident; Internal Medicine)

“Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease and Access to Kidney Transplantation Among Non-Native English Speakers in Central New York, 2014 - 2020: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study”

2:15 to 2:30 p.m. Mahinbanu Mammadli, MD (Postdoc; Microbiology & Immunology)

“Human Wnt/β-Catenin Regulates Alloimmune Signaling during Allogeneic Transplantation”

2:30 to 2:45 p.m. Simi George, MBBCh (Resident; Pediatrics)

“Utilization of Asthma Control Test (ACT) as an Objective And Standardized Tool to Assess Asthma Control; Initial Data from a Quality Improvement Initiative”

2:45 to 3 p.m. Himanshu Malhotra, PhD (Postdoc; Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences)

“sptPALM-based Trafficking Analysis of Gpcrs in Primary Cilia

The 20 poster projects include “Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis in a Caucasian Adolescent Male”

Resident, Laaibah Ejaz, MBBS in the department of Pediatrics; “A Complex Interplay Between FMRP And DHX9 Regulates R-Loop Metabolism and Genome Stability,”

Postdoc, Arijita Chakraborty, Ph.D, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and “Eliminating Postoperative Opioid Prescriptions Is Associated With Lower Long Term Opioid Use”

Resident, Rebecca Newbrander, MD department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.






