Upstate volunteers start wearing new, brighter color to stand out to patients, guests
Hundreds of dedicated and valuable volunteers at Upstate University Hospital will soon be a little easier to spot.
With more than 800 people volunteering annually through Upstate’s Office of Volunteer Programs, volunteer services are critical to helping patients and visitors at Upstate’s downtown and Community campuses. For many years, however, those volunteers have worn navy blue shirts, vests and jackets to distinguish them from other people in the hospital. But navy blue tends to be a common color, said Kristin Bruce, director of volunteer services.
“I don’t think people always know that we have volunteers because you don’t always see them,” Bruce said. “Now you won’t be able to miss them.”
As of mid-November, all Upstate volunteers will be wearing new, bright blue polos, T-shirts and vests to make them stand out in Upstate spaces. The volunteer hue – a blue the color of a swimming pool on a sunny summer day – is unique among Upstate colors assigned to departments such as environmental (green), transport (purple) or operating room staff (turquoise or maroon). And the T-shirts say “Volunteer” in large white letters across the back, which should help them stand out even more.
“It’s such a bright color you’ll be able to spot a volunteer right away,” Bruce said. “And if you’re lost, that’s a big help.”
Upstate volunteers are eager to help patients and visitors to the hospital, she said. Increased volunteer visibility should help everyone do their jobs better, Bruce said.
“Volunteers are such a part of our mission and they impact the Upstate experience,” she said. “And you don’t see very many people in that color so now you’ll know just who they are.”
Caption: Volunteers Halleluyah "Lou" Adebiyi (left) and Stanley Simon model the new volunteer uniforms at the Community Campus.
Want to volunteer at Upstate?
Upstate offers many types of volunteer opportunities in several locations. The goal is always to find the appropriate fit for the applicant and the hospital. Adult volunteers must be 18 and older and a typical schedule is four hours per week.
Visit for more information and to fill out the volunteer application form. You may also call 315-464-5180 with questions or for more information.