They're back: New and returning medical students arrive on campus
SYRACUSE, N.Y.-- Upstate Medical University’s colleges of Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Medicine and Nursing are welcoming more than 500 new students and 1,000 returning students to campus at two orientation sessions: Aug. 9 to 13, and Aug. 23 to 25.
Orientation highlights include a welcome by President Danielle Laraque-Arena, MD, FAAP; Deans’ lunches; White Coat ceremonies; campus tours; a Taste of Syracuse reception; a Comedy Happy Hour; and the annual Welcome BBQ and Student Services and Activities Fair, to be held Aug. 29 in the Weiskotten Hall Courtyard. Netters Anatomy Books are available to College of Medicine students, courtesy of the Medical Alumni Association.
Orientation for students in the College of Medicine’s MD, MD/PhD, and MD/MPH programs and the College of Health Professions Medical Scholar Program is being held through Aug. 13. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 14.
Orientation for students in the colleges of Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Nursing and the College of Medicine Master of Public Health program will be held Aug. 23 to 25. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 28.
The College of Health Professions and the College of Medicine will hold White Coat ceremonies Saturday, Aug. 26, at 11 a.m. and at 3 p.m., respectively, at the John H. Mulroy Civic Center at Oncenter in downtown Syracuse.
The College of Nursing will present the Whitney Lecture and White Coat Ceremony Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Ninth floor auditorium of Weiskotten Hall. Kathy H. Rideout, EdD, PPCNP-BC, FNAP, dean of the University of Rochester School of Nursing, will present the lecture, which is made possible through the support of Fay and Roy Whitney. The White Coat ceremony includes the presentation of the Nursing Alumni Scholarship Awards, alumni gifts and white coats to incoming master’s degree students. A light reception will follow. The lecture and White Coat ceremony are co-presented by Nursing Alumni Association for Upstate and Key Bank.
Orientation for students in the College of Health Professions Doctor of Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant programs was held earlier this summer.