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News Archive for 2016

CNY Biotech Accelerator opens new hub center for industry-university collaborations and precision medicine laboratory for Upstate Medical University

CNY Biotech Accelerator opens new hub center for industry-university collaborations and precision medicine laboratory for Upstate Medical University

October 24, 2016

The Upstate MIND is a sparkling new feature of the 60,000-square foot Central New York Biotech Accelerator (CNYBAC), located at 841 East Fayette Street, Syracuse.

Love Your Melon

Love Your Melon

October 21, 2016

Superheroes from the Syracuse University Love Your Melon Campus Crew stopped by Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital Oct. 20 to donate hats and help our patients make their own superhero capes. Love Your Melon and its nationwide campus crews have donated more than 75,000 hats to patients and over $1.1 million dollars to pediatric cancer research and support for families. The SU crew is pictured here with six-year-old patient Adrianna, from Jamesville.

Geneticist Mary-Claire King who discovered key gene linked to breast cancer to speak Oct. 28, 29

Geneticist Mary-Claire King who discovered key gene linked to breast cancer to speak Oct. 28, 29

October 18, 2016

Mary-Claire King, PhD, who was awarded the National Medal of Science earlier this year, will deliver remarks at two conference sessions.

Commercializing Bioscience Innovation conference set for Oct. 13, 14

Commercializing Bioscience Innovation conference set for Oct. 13, 14

October 12, 2016

Zubin Damania, MD, also known on the internet as ZDOGGMD, the medical-song rapper sensation, will be keynote speaker for Oct. 13 session.

Cortland Regional Med Center becomes 5th area hospital to partner with Upstate on stroke care

Cortland Regional Med Center becomes 5th area hospital to partner with Upstate on stroke care

October 12, 2016

Other hospitals partnering with Upstate telestroke program are Carthage Area Hospital, Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center, River Hospital and Samaritan Medical Center.

New research approach leads to new findings in study of mosquito-borne viruses

New research approach leads to new findings in study of mosquito-borne viruses

October 12, 2016

Researcher uses social-ecological systems approach to gain new info to fight spread of zika and other mosquito-borne diseases.

Pathology's 3D autopsy table

Pathology's 3D autopsy table

October 12, 2016

State Sen. John DeFrancisco, left, watches as Pathology Chair Dr. Robert Corona demonstrates a 3D autopsy table, which is part of the new technology now available at the CNY Biotech Accelerator. Looking on,  at right, is Upstate Medical University President Dr. Danielle Laraque-Arena.

Linda Veit named director of community relations

October 7, 2016

Veit joined Upstate in 1985. In addition to her new role, she will continue her work for Upstate Cancer Center.

Upstate receives national designation for pancreatic cancer treatment

Upstate receives national designation for pancreatic cancer treatment

October 7, 2016

Upstate University Hospital has been named a National Pancreas Foundation Center. The designation highlights Upstate's multidisciplinary approach to treating the whole patient with a focus on the best outcomes and quality of life.

Baldwin Breast Cancer Research lectures set for Oct. 4, 12

Baldwin Breast Cancer Research lectures set for Oct. 4, 12

September 30, 2016

An acclaimed breast cancer researcher and surgical oncologist will deliver two lectures this month.
