Upstate Medical University alumnus is new president-elect of American Medical Association
SYRACUSE, N.Y.-- Upstate Medical University alumnus Andrew Gurman, MD, an orthopedic hand surgeon from Hollidaysburg, Pa., is the new president-elect of the nation’s largest physician organization, the American Medical Association. He will assume the office of AMA president in June 2016.
Gurman received his medical degree from Upstate in 1980.
During the last eight years, Gurman has served as the speaker and vice speaker of the House of Delegates, the AMA’s primary policy-making body,
and has been an active member of the AMA Board of Trustees. He has served as board liaison to the AMA Foundation and worked to align the activities of the Foundation with the mission of the AMA.
Gurman has a distinguished record of service and leadership in organized medicine. He has represented Pennsylvania physicians in the AMA House of Delegates for nearly two decades. He is a former speaker and vice speaker of the Pennsylvania Medical Society House of Delegates and he twice served as chair of the Pennsylvania Medical Society Political Action Committee.
A native of New York City, Gurman attended Syracuse University before entering Upstate’s College of Medicine.