College of Medicine enrolls class with highest GPA and MCAT scores
The new class of students enrolled in SUNY Upstate Medical University's College of Medicine possesses the highest grade point average (GPA) and Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) scores of any class enrolled in the last ten years. The average GPA was 3.64 and the average MCAT for biolgical sciences was 10.03 out of 15. (Data for previous years is not comparable.)
"SUNY Upstate has always attracted interest from high-achieving students," said Gregory Keating, Ph.D., dean of student affairs. "I think the difference for this class was the increased interaction with our medical students during the admissions interview process. Our medical students were much more involved this year in the Interview Day, offering guided tours, sleep-overs and establishing email contact with prospective students."
Applications to the College of Medicine increased for the second straight year, up 2 percent or 50 applications to 2,441.
For only the second time in the school's history, more women--81--than men--71--were enrolled in an incoming medical class. The incoming class was slightly younger than last year's with an average age of 22.97, down from 23.4.
Binghamton and Cornell universities continue to be the biggest suppliers of students to SUNY Upstate. Students from Binghamton (24) and Cornell (20) comprise nearly one-third of the incoming class. Syracuse University is represented by 4 students and LeMoyne College has 3 graduates in the medical class. The percentage of students from New York State remained steady at 86 percent.
Enrollment figures for the incoming class in the College of Health Professions show more women--55--than men--33--with an average age of 25.3.
The College of Nursing enrolled only six men this year compared with 49 women in keeping with national trends for the profession. The average age of an incoming student is 33.4.
In the College of Graduate Studies, 13 women and 12 men enrolled this fall to pursue their doctoral degrees in science. This is the second consecutive year that more women that men enrolled in the college. Last year 17 women compared to eight men joined the College of Graduate Studies.
Total enrollment for Fall 2003 at SUNY Upstate is 1,163.