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News Archives of 2002

Parker named director of diversity and affirmative action

October 2, 2002

Donna-Marie Parker has been named director of diversity and affirmative action at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Parker will oversee all of the University's affirmative action and equal opportunity programs.

Symposium explores ethical aspects of stem cell research Oct. 9

October 2, 2002

The 10th annual President's Ethics Symposium will feature experts who will explore the ethical, scientific, political and social concerns in "The Hype, Horror and Hope of Stem Cell Research" Wednesday, Oct. 9 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Upstate Medical University's Medical Alumni Auditorium, 766 Irving Avenue in Syracuse.

Device tested at SUNY Upstate wins FDA approval for use during risky spine or spinal cord surgery

October 1, 2002

A device tested at SUNY Upstate Medical University has received FDA approval for use in the United States during risky spine or spinal cord surgery.

University Hospital to offer pulmonary function on-site testing for children and adolescents

September 26, 2002

While peak flow meters often are used in doctors' offices for patients with asthma, a device called a spirometer is considered to be the most advanced and proven technology to determine pulmonary function accurately.

SUNY Upstate honors 22 individuals with service awards

September 25, 2002

SUNY Upstate and ESF receive $20M from state for biotech center

September 24, 2002

Colleges ink medical school admissions guarantee

September 17, 2002

Colleges pen agreement for Guaranteed Medical School Program

Plastic surgeon joins SUNY Upstate faculty

September 17, 2002

Plastic surgeon named to faculty at SUNY Upstate Medical University

Oswego couple creates endowment for needy cancer patients

September 13, 2002

A year ago, Charlie and Mary Haney gave a $5,000 gift to the Oswego Hematology/Oncology office in honor of their doctor, Jonathan Wright, M.D., and the office staff. Little did they know that the donation, used to assist needy patients at the medical office, would inspire others to contribute as well.

SUNY Upstate honors John Rusinko of Lions Clubs District 20-YI

September 12, 2002

The University Vision Care and Research Center of the Department of Ophthalmology at SUNY Upstate Medical University and Upstate Medical University Foundation is paying tribute to Lions Club member John Rusinko of Liverpool who died earlier this year.
