News Archives of 2002
L. Thomas Wolff, M.D., elected president of the American Board of Family Practice
October 24, 2002
L. Thomas Wolff, M.D., a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University and a nationally recognized family medicine educator, has been elected president of the American Board of Family Practice (ABFP). ABFP is the national organization that certifies the nation's family physicians and currently has over 65,000 physician diplomates.
New York City poison expert to discuss treatments for deadly poisons at SUNY Upstate Conference Oct. 30
October 24, 2002
Maria Mercurio-Zapalla will deliver the SUNY Upstate Medical University Howard L. Weinberger, M.D., Annual Toxicology Lecture "Why are Poisons Deadly and What are Some Common Treatments" at the Sixth Annual Toxicology Teaching Day Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center, Syracuse.
SUNY Upstate's Emergency Medicine chairman to speak at Advocates luncheon Oct. 30
October 24, 2002
Richard Hunt, M.D., professor and chair of emergency medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University, will present "Are We Prepared For a Major Disaster?" at the fall membership luncheon of the Advocates for Upstate Medical University Wednesday, Oct. 30 at the Lafayette Country Club, 4480 Lafayette Road, Jamesville. A reception will be held at 11:30 a.m. followed by the luncheon and program from noon to 2 p.m. The luncheon is open to the public and the fee is $18 per person.
SUNY Upstate's Joslin Diabetes Center to hold 2002 Community Diabetes Forum Nov. 6
October 22, 2002
The Joslin Diabetes Center of SUNY Upstate Medical University will hold the 2002 Community Diabetes Forum Wednesday, Nov. 6 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel, 801 University Ave.
OASIS senior adult educational program to host Open House Oct. 23
October 21, 2002
Central New Yorkers aged 55 years and older are invited to learn more about the senior adult education program OASIS at "A Taste of OASIS" Wednesday, Oct. 23 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the OASIS storefront located in the lower level of ShoppingTown Mall, DeWitt.
SUNY Upstate participates in national back pain clinical trial
October 18, 2002
Study examines two common treatments for chronic lower back pain: spinal cord stimulation or reoperation
Oct. 13 concert in memory of Liverpool woman to benefit Center for Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders at University Hospital
October 13, 2002
A concert in memory of a Liverpool woman who lost her battle with cancer in May will feature twelve hours of live music Sunday, Oct. 13 from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Ironix/Bridge Street Music Hall on Route 290 in East Syracuse. Admission is $5 at the door. Proceeds will benefit the Center for Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders at University Hospital.
Advocates for SUNY Upstate Medical University mark 100th Anniversary
October 11, 2002
Advocates for SUNY Upstate Medical University is marking its 100th anniversary. The volunteer membership organization supports the activities of SUNY Upstate's University Hospital and its four colleges of Medicine, Nursing, Health Professions and Graduate Studies through social and fundraising events and community outreach programs.
Action communities can take to curb local violence to be explored at SUNY Upstate free forum Oct. 16
October 7, 2002
Can actions taken by individuals and by the community as a whole result in devaluing violence as a problem solver? If so, which actions are most effective? The answers to these questions will be discussed at a free, public forum "Violence in the Streets," sponsored by SUNY Upstate Medical University, Wednesday, Oct. 16 from noon to 1 p.m. in the ninth floor auditorium of Weiskotten Hall, 766 Irving Avenue in Syracuse.
University Hospital's HealthLink offers free seminars in October
October 4, 2002
Family violence, coronary artery disease in women and advance directives are among topics to be addressed at University Hospital HealthLink seminars this month. All seminars are free, open to the public and held in the Oasis complex on the lower level of Shoppingtown Mall. To register for any seminar, call 464-8668.