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News Archives of 2002

Cardiac assist system now available at University Hospital

November 15, 2002

A device now in use at University Hospital will keep heart transplant patients alive as they wait for a donor heart.

Fifth annual holiday concert to benefit abused children is Dec. 8

November 13, 2002

The Fifth annual Sounds of the Season holiday concert to benefit University Hospital's C.A.R.E. (Child Abuse Referral and Evaluation) Program will be held at the Syracuse Area Landmark Theatre Sunday, Dec. 8 at 2 p.m.

University Hospital pediatric heart surgeon honored for role in Rotary's Gift of Life program

November 12, 2002

George Alfieris, M.D., a pediatric cardiac surgeon at University Hospital, has received one of Rotary International's highest honors - the Paul Harris Award - for performing life-saving open heart surgery on needy children from abroad during a ceremony held today (Nov.12) at University Hospital.

SUNY Upstate's Richard Cantor named outstanding educator by American College of Emergency Physicians

November 6, 2002

Richard M. Cantor, M.D., FACEP, FAAP, associate professor of emergency medicine and pediatrics and director of pediatric emergency services at SUNY Upstate Medical University, has received the 2002 Award for Outstanding Contribution in Education by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). He received the honor Oct. 6 at ACEP's annual convention, held in Seattle. Cantor was selected from a field of more than 22,000 emergency medicine physicians.

Local nurses win University Hospital's William J. Painter Award

November 1, 2002

Three University Hospital nurses have been honored for excellence in the areas of nursing management and clinical service. Nancy Towne, R.N., Linda McAleer, R.N., and Kristen Kovalewski, R.N., have been name recipients of the William J. Painter Award. The awards were presented at the 16th Annual Nursing Recognition dinner, held Oct. 9.

Children with cancer and blood disorders create holiday greeting cards to benefit University Hospital

October 29, 2002

Holiday greeting cards created by Central New York children who have cancer or a blood disorder will be sold to benefit the Center for Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders at University Hospital. This is the seventh consecutive year that patients from the center have designed greeting cards for the fundraiser. Since 1996 more than $35,000 has been raised by the card sale.

New faculty appointed at SUNY Upstate

October 28, 2002

The following individuals have been appointed to the faculty at SUNY Upstate Medical University:

SUNY Upstate conference to examine female mood disorders Oct. 31

October 25, 2002

Mood disorders across the female life cycle, presented by Lee S. Cohen, M.D., of Harvard Medical School, is one of five topics to be discussed at SUNY Upstate Medical University's Seventh Annual Central New York Psychopharmacology Update Thursday, Oct. 31 from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool.

Symposium on carbon monoxide poisoning Nov. 1

October 25, 2002

An intense review of carbon monoxide intoxication and the use of carbon monoxide detectors is the focus of a SUNY Upstate Medical University symposium for the medical community Friday, Nov. 1 from 1 to 4 p.m. in 6500 University Hospital, 750 East Adams St., Syracuse.

Discussing Advance Directives with patients is topic of SUNY Upstate's Nursing Teaching Day Nov. 2

October 24, 2002

Few people have Advance Directives on file with their physicians, yet many health care providers are now trying to make this discussion a part of medical care. How can they broach the topic to patients in a sensitive and caring manner?
