Talk & Listen is newest OASIS initiative for older adults
Talking and listening to people who are the same age can offer a better understanding of normal life changes. This concept is the premise of OASIS' newest initiative Talk & Listen free group sessions. OASIS is inviting adults 50 years and older to participate in the sessions that are held at The Oaks at DeWitt and at other Syracuse-area residential living communities.
"Talk & Listen groups are comprised of eight to 12 older adults who are willing to meet on a weekly basis to discuss issues common to their age. The confidential sessions are overseen by trained volunteers and provide an opportunity for older adults to share concerns and to learn how to become active listeners to one another," said OASIS Director Lauren Feiglin.
The group sessions are an offshoot of OASIS' Peer to Peer program. "Peer to Peer is a free and confidential service comprised of trained volunteers who offer a listening ear to other older adults who need to talk about a problem or who just want someone to check in with on a regular basis," said Peer to Peer Coordinator Marilyn Sharron, a certified social worker who developed the Talk & Listen concept.
OASIS, a life enrichment program for older adults, is sponsored by University Hospital and Kaufmann's Department Store.
To join a Talk & Listen group session or for more information about the Peer to Peer Program, call 315-464-5909.