Oncology drug discovery in the 21st century is topic of Dec. 4 lecture
David Schenkein, M.D., will deliver the 10th Annual Charles R. Ross Research Memorial Lecture, "Oncology Drug Discovery in the 21st Century," Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 4 p.m. in the Weiskotten Hall Medical Alumni Auditorium, 766 Irving Avenue on the SUNY Upstate Medical University campus. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Schenkein is the medical director for Millennium Pharmaceuticals, a genomics company headquartered in Cambridge, Mass. The company's initiatives include new approaches to cancer treatment and select rationally designed drugs, such as inhibitors of a cell survival pathway that promotes the growth of some tumor cells.
The lecture is an activity of SUNY Upstate's annual Charles R. Ross Research Poster Session, to be heldfree and open to the publicWednesday and Thursday, Dec. 4 and 5 in the Institute for Human Performance, 505 Irving Avenue, Syracuse.
More than 120 posters depicting research in progress at SUNY Upstate will be displayed Wednesday, Dec. 4 from 1 to 5 p.m. and Thursday, Dec. 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Investigators will be available to discuss their studies Thursday between 3 to 5 p.m. The poster session provides an opportunity for the Upstate scientific community to share their research activities with each other and the public.
For more information, contact the Research Development Office at 464-4317.