Roizen to discuss 'Real Age Diet' on NBC's Today Show Nov. 19
SUNY Upstate College of Medicine Dean Michael F. Roizen, M.D., is scheduled to appear on NBC's Today Show Nov. 19 at 8:25 a.m. to discuss his latest book, "The Real Age Diet: Make Yourself Younger With What You Eat." The Today Show airs in Syracuse on WSTM-TV 3.
Roizen was originally scheduled to appear on the Today Show Sept. 12, but his appearance was postponed because of coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
While Roizen will appear live in the studio, a taped segment on the 'Real Age Diet' will air featuring an interview with State Sen. John DeFrancisco and his wife, Linda.
The DeFranciscos have been following Roizen's Real Age health regimen for quite some time. When Roizen met with DeFrancisco shortly after coming to Syracuse, he asked if the senator was familiar with his Real Age health philosophy. "Not only am I familiar with it, my wife and I have been following it for the last three years," DeFrancisco told Roizen.
So when Today Show producers inquired about interviewing a couple who are following the 'Real Age Diet,' it seemed only natural that the DeFranciscos, also from Syracuse, would be a good fit.
On Sept. 6 an NBC production crew videotaped the DeFranciscos shopping at Wegman's in Dewitt and preparing a Real Age Diet recipe at their home in Syracuse.
Roizen said the taped segment with the DeFranciscos and his Today Show appearance will spotlight how people over the age of 50 can eat healthy without making drastic changes in their diets.
"By simply making minor substitutions in their diet, people can improve their health, increase their energy level and make their 'Real Age' substantially lower," Roizen said.
Roizen was appointed dean of the College of Medicine and vice president for biomedical sciences at SUNY Upstate Medical University in July 2001. He previously served as professor and chair of the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care at the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago, and as a member of the faculty at the University of California, San Francisco.
He is the developer and author of a health measurement test, known as Real Age, which he wrote of in "Real Age: Are You As Young As You Can Be?" (Harper Collins/ Cliff Street, 1999). He is also author of the medical text "Essence of Anesthesia Practice (W. Saunders, 1997), which has been translated into seven languages. He earned his medical degree in 1971 from the University of California, San Francisco Medical School and performed residencies in internal medicine at Harvard's Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, and anesthesia at the University of California, San Francisco.