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Upstate Announcements for July 23, 2024

Abstracts sought for Biomedical Sciences Retreat

Abstracts are sought for the 24th annual Biomedical Sciences Retreat to be held Tuesday, Sept. 10 at The Lodge (4355 State Street Road, Skaneateles Falls). The day-long event is free to attend and features faculty, guest speakers, the formal introduction of the incoming class of graduate students, and a poster session featuring over forty students. Graduate student first-authored posters will be eligible for cash awards. To register and submit an abstract visit: Registration / Poster Abstract Submission | College of Graduate Studies | SUNY Upstate. Questions? Email Shaunna Arnold at [email protected].



Well NYS Everyday Summer Experience challenge webinar is July 24

The July Well NYS Everyday Monthly Challenge is to participate in the Well NYS Summer Experience within your department. The kick-off informational webinar will be held Wednesday, July 24. To register, visit: https://meetny.webex.com/weblink/register/r7ab8bfc79d159d04e42d50d91934a4a7. For more information, visit: https://oer.ny.gov/wellnys-summer-experience-0.

Well New York State Everyday is a wellness initiative dedicated to educating, engaging, and empowering New York state employees to choose to eat foods that are healthy for them and to be physically active. For more information and to sign-up to receive the Well NYS Daily To-Do Challenge by email every day, visit: https://oer.ny.gov/wellnys-everyday. For more information, email Christine Cole at [email protected].



Clear the Air rounds is July 25

Clear the Air will be held July 25 from noon to 1 p.m. in two locations—meet first in the lobby of Upstate Cancer Center and the lobby at Community. Participants will help beautify the Upstate campuses and raise awareness about nicotine lozenge comfort kits and the tobacco-free policy with the goal of keeping the air clean for all who work at and visit Upstate. For more information, email [email protected] or call 315-464-3519.



Yoga for All is July 26 and 31

The Yoga for All schedule is as follows:

  • July 26 from 8 to 8:45 a.m. in the Performance Center at Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital
  • July 31 from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 2151/2153 Nappi Wellness Institute

For more information and for the virtual link, please email [email protected]. All upcoming sessions are listed on the Upstate Wellness calendar: https://calendar.upstate.edu/events/category/wellness/. Yoga for All is facilitated by Upstate clinicians trained in Trauma Adapted Yoga, a form of yoga based on trauma research, evidence-based yoga therapy and body-based methods with gentle exercises for self-management of common symptoms and reactions. No experience is necessary, and all are welcome.



TRAID on the Trails is July 26

TRAID on the Trails will be held Friday, July 26 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Syracuse Inner Harbor (360 W. Kirkpatrick St.). The event includes a 1-mile Walk and Roll for Spina Bifida, a family-style picnic, and the opportunity to test out adaptive equipment. The event is free, but registration is required. To register, visit: https://mailchi.mp/sbanys.org/traid-wnr-ada. The event is sponsored in part by Upstate Medical University and Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital and serves as a kick-off event leading up to the Spina Bifida Education Day, July 27 and 28 (see next entry).



Spina Bifida Education Day is July 27 and 28

The Spina Bifida Education Day, featuring seven Upstate faculty and three Upstate student presenters, will be held Saturday, July 27 from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and Sunday, July 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Collegian Hotel (1060 E. Genesee St.). Registration is $20. For information, visit: https://sbanys.org/gva_event/education-day/.



Upstate Innovation event is July 30

An Upstate Innovation event will be held July 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in 4414A Academic Building. Learn how Upstate can help protect intellectual property, collaborate with industry, establish a start-up company, and more. Lunch will be provided. R.S.V.P. here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Zgr1XCZe3UGJ-IPPc__umDc0_1ip_V9CplseD8UwIa5URUpRRFpZRzJORkVOU0lOTkpTMVNJS1lEVy4u. For more information, email [email protected].



Tranquility Tuesday is July 30

Tranquility Tuesday will be held Tuesday, July 23 (and every Tuesday) from 12:30 to 12:45 p.m. on the second floor of Nappi Wellness Institute or virtually via WebEx. To join the virtual option, visit: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Zgr1XCZe3UGJ-IPPc__umDc0_1ip_V9CplseD8UwIa5URUpRRFpZRzJORkVOU0lOTkpTMVNJS1lEVy4u. Use Meeting ID: 2305 438 7566, Password: jyYW3FriJ74. Each session is a unique meditation, mindfulness, deep breathing, and relaxation practice experience. Questions? Email [email protected] or [email protected].



Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Summit early registration ends July 31

The Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Summit will be held Sept. 19 and 20 at the CNY Biotech Accelerator. The event is open to healthcare practitioners and is hosted by the Upstate Global Health Institute and the Central New York Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Alliance. Early registration ends July 31. CME available. For event details and to register, visit: https://cnylymealliance.org/2024-lyme-summit/. Questions? Email [email protected].



Child Life Program apparel sale open through Aug. 1

Upstate’s Child Life Program is selling shirts and sweatshirts featuring a design created by a pediatric patient now through Aug. 1. To purchase a shirt, visit: Child Life Shirt Sale. Questions? Email Rachel Stinson at [email protected].



World Breastfeeding Week begins Aug. 1

Upstate celebrates World Breastfeeding Month and World Breastfeeding Week Aug. 1 to 7. In addition to educational displays at Upstate University Hospital and Community, a T-shirt sale will be held Aug. 1 from noon to 1 p.m. in the cafeteria at Community and Aug. 2 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. outside Café 750 on the second floor of Upstate University Hospital. Shirt sale proceeds will go to the Upstate Foundation Cathy Patrick Breastfeeding Education Fund. To pre-order a shirt or see the shirt design, visit: https://redcap.upstate.edu/surveys/?s=YKW7TDEHKMDY88A8. Questions? Email [email protected].



Physical Therapy information session is Aug. 2

Student Admissions will host an on-campus information session on Upstate’s Physical Therapy (DPT) program Aug. 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. Check-in begins at 1:40 p.m. in the lobby of Weiskotten Hall. The presentation begins at 2 p.m. Information about the program, the admission process and requirements, and a tour of PT classrooms will be offered. The event is open to high school and college students, and those interested in a career change. To register by Aug. 1 at 3 p.m., visit: https://engage.upstate.edu/register/DPTAug2024. For more information, email Wendy Meyer at [email protected].



Advanced Practice Grand Rounds is Aug. 6

Eldin Mehanovic, FNP, and Nathanial Stahl, will present Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Cause, Symptoms, and Management Aug. 6 from noon to 1 p.m. via WebEx. To join, visit: https://upstate.webex.com/upstate/j.php?MTID=m52d7c795f50323999b930a5fac970234. CME credit will be available for participants. Questions? Email Tiffany Senke at [email protected].



Brightspace, Learning Management System, and Self-Serve reporting class is Aug. 13

A virtual course offering training for Brightspace, Genius, Self-Serve Reports, and Orientation Checklists will be held Aug. 13 from 2 to 3 p.m. The class is open to managers, supervisors, trainers, and anyone who uses Brightspace and reporting within their role. To register, visit: https://www.upstate.edu/pdl/intra/register/index.php?topicid=194659. Questions? Email [email protected].



Endocrine research study seeks healthy participants for one-time blood draw

Upstate’s endocrine research team seeks healthy participants ages 45 to 65 years old with a body mass index of less than 25 kg/m2 or greater than 30 kg/m2 for a one-time blood draw. Participants cannot have diabetes or be on any diabetes-related medications, including weight loss medications like Wegovy. For more information, email Lynn Agostini at [email protected] or call 315-464-9012.



Participants sought to help with Lyme disease blood test study

Participants are sought help with a study to determine if an investigational new blood test, called Liaison LymeDetect, can detect the germ that causes Lyme disease sooner than conventional diagnostic tests. Current blood tests for Lyme disease can sometimes fail to confirm the illness during early infection. Global Health seeks participants who have been recently diagnosed with Lyme disease or are suspected by a practioner to have Lyme disease and have developed a rash. For more information, call 315-464-9869 or email [email protected].



The Informed Patient podcast

The Informed Patient podcast recently featured interviews with these specialists about ADHD – in children and in adults – and on the benefits of walking.

The Informed Patient podcast and HealthLink on Air radio show are produced by Upstate Marketing and University Communications. The Informed Patient interviews are available through various podcast platforms, including YouTube. HealthLink on Air is broadcast on WRVO Public Media at 6 a.m. Sundays. Audio and transcripts of the podcasts and the radio shows are also available at upstate.edu/informed.

To suggest an Upstate expert or topic for a possible podcast, email Amber Smith at [email protected].
