Neuroscience Program Faculty
David Auerbach, PhD
The Auerbach lab takes a multi-system and multi-scale approach to advance our understanding of the prevalence and mechanisms for electrical disturbances in the brain and heart. For example, we perform patient database analyses to examine the co-prevalence and risk of seizures and arrhythmias. Then using cellular and animal models of the disease, we perform molecular/biochemical and electrophysiological approaches to understand the underlying mechanisms for these neuro-cardiac pathologies, and the complex cascade of multi-system events that lead to sudden death. Ultimately, these results are validated using patient databases, and thus complete the full bedside-to-bench-to
Darwin Babino, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Babino lab utilizes the EyeCandy platform, which combines a visual stimulus-generating engine with analysis of multielectrode array (MEA) recordings, utilizing a machine learning approach to measure retinal acuity (RA) in vitro. One of the central objectives of our research is to gain fundamental insights into the functioning of the mammalian retina and how it encodes visual scenes for further processing by the brain. By understanding these fundamental aspects of vision neuroscience, The Babino lab aims to develop and test novel vision restoration technologies using retinal neurophysiology. This research is particularly crucial in our quest to restore high spatial resolution vision in blind individuals and address visual impairments effectively.
Harish Babu, MD PhD
The Babu Lab strives to understand how the human brain functions at a single neuron level and how this translates to higher cognitive behaviors. We are studying this by recording the activity of single neurons in awake human subjects engaged in various behavioral tasks. We use a combination of intracranial EEG, in vivo single-neuron electrophysiology, behavioral studies and computational neuroscience approaches to gain insight into the mechanisms that give rise to complex human behaviors such as learning and memory, attention, and decision making. Using this information, we hope to develop techniques for diagnosing some of the most devastating neurological diseases and treat them by designing future Brain-Machine interface devices.
Marie Bechler, PhD
Cell & Developmental Biology
The Bechler lab is interested in mechanisms that drive central nervous system (CNS) myelin sheath formation and how myelin contributes to CNS function in neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative disease. Our research focuses on the mechanosensitive and developmentally programmed signals that instruct myelin sheath formation, using a combination of bioengineered cell culture models, zebrafish, and mouse models. Our long-term goal is to determine the impact of myelin sheath properties on neuronal circuitry and uncover potential targets for regenerative therapies that support replacement of myelin sheaths lost in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis.
Karen Boschen, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Boschen lab investigates cellular mechanisms of prenatal alcohol pathogenesis using an in vivo model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). In particular, we are interested in how alcohol exposure during early gestation affects cell cycle kinetics, cell death vs. cell proliferation, DNA damage repair, and epigenetic modifications that impact gene transcription. We also study the long-term effects of alcohol on neuroanatomy and behavior, focusing on correlating behavioral impairments with changes to specific cell populations and signaling pathways.
William Brunken, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Brunken lab researches the influence of the environment in regulating brain and ocular development, and its dysregulation in disease. Our areas of interest include epigenetic regulation and the role of cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Using cell culture and mouse models, we are able to identify molecular mechanisms of developmental regulation. Professor Brunken is the Director of the Center for Vision Research.
Blair Calancie, PhD
The Calancie lab researches mechanisms of central nervous system plasticity in degenerative disease, like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and following trauma, like spinal cord injury (SCI). We use electrophysiology techniques to record from muscle (EMG), brain (EEG), and directly from single nerve fibers (microneurography) in humans. A current emphasis is using a novel form of multi-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to develop and validate better methods to diagnosis ALS, and follow its progression. Achieving the former will shorten the time to treatment onset, while success in the latter will aid development of novel, and more effective (we hope) treatments.
Peter Calvert, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Calvert lab researches the molecular mechanisms which dictate signal-dependent protein localization and transport and structural organization of retinal neurons. We use a variety of cutting-edge live cell imaging techniques to address these questions on a cell biological and biophysical level. Understanding these mechanisms is critical for understanding normal vision and the diseases that cause vision impairment or blindness.
Tinatin Chabrashvili, MD, PhD
Dr. Chabrashvili has clinical interests in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and related disorders. Her laboratory examines the mechanisms and neurovascular aspects of neurodegeneration in the mammalian brain, and attempts to understand how perturbations of these processes contribute to neurological diseases, specifically by elucidating cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration: 1) Neurovascular aspects of neurodegeneration, 2) The characterization of novel mechanisms for death of dopaminergic neurons in a mouse model for Parkinson's Disease and novel biomarker initiative in patients with Parkinson’s Disease, 3) Anesthetic-induced neurotoxicity.
Andrew Craig, PhD
The Craig lab researches the factors that affect operant and respondent behavior using rats and mice. By training these species to perform specific behaviors (e.g., pressing levers) and arranging their environments in specific ways, we are able to study how they interact with, learn about, and adapt to their surroundings. Research in the Craig lab examines a broad range of topics, but areas of particular emphasis include (a) persistence of behavior when it is faced with challenges, (b) relapse of eliminated behavior when environmental variables change, (c) choice between competing sources of reward, (d) impulsive decision making, and (e) drug self-administration.
Stephen Faraone, PhD
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
The Faraone lab researches the genetic and molecular pathways associated with ADHD and various neurodevelopmental disorders, including improving diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. Because ADHD is also linked with aggressive behavior, substance use disorders, and mood/anxiety disorders, the Faraone lab seeks to identify genes and genetic risk factors related to these diagnoses using machine-learning techniques, genome-wide association studies, and through international collaborations.
George Fulk, PT, PhD
College of Health Professions – Physical Therapy Education
The Fulk lab researches factors that impact recovery after stroke and other neurological health conditions, with a particular emphasis on mobility and locomotion. Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Currently, we are exploring the impact of sleep disorders on recovery post stroke and seek to develop interventions that pair rehabilitation strategies with cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia to promote improved outcomes. We use activity monitors to gain greater insight into real world mobility and barriers.
Thomas Gamage, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Gamage Laboratory is interested in G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling as it relates to the neuropharmacology of addiction. We primarily study the cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptor, through which the primary psychoactive constituent of cannabis, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, produces its psychotropic effects. CB1 is highly expressed throughout the brain, including regions important for reward and emotional processing, two key systems involved in addiction. Our laboratory uses in vitro and in vivo techniques to study how novel small molecules can interact with these receptors to modulate endogenous cannabinoid signaling and promote signaling bias in order to develop pathway-focused therapeutics with minimal side effects.
Preethi Ganapathy, MD, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The research in Dr. Ganapathy’s laboratory focuses on glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness. Her research investigates two specialized tissues: the lamina cribrosa and the trabecular meshwork. The lamina cribrosa is located in the posterior section of the eye. It is the main structural element of the optic nerve head and supports the retinal ganglion cell axons as they exit the globe. The trabecular meshwork is located in the anterior chamber angle between the cornea and the iris. It regulates the outflow facility of the aqueous humor and thus controls intraocular pressure.
Stephen Glatt, PhD
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
The Glatt lab has multiple research projects aimed at finding the genetic and environmental risk factors for a wide variety of disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar, post-traumatic stress, Alzheimer's disease, and substance abuse. We seek to identify "risk genes" for these disorders by studying affected individuals and families. Ultimately, we hope to develop interventions which can treat or prevent these disorders.
Jessica Henty-Ridilla, PhD
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The Henty-Ridilla lab uses a variety of advanced microscopy techniques to study cytoskeletal coordination of actin and microtubule dynamics in cell migration, phagocytosis, cancers, and neurodegenerative disorders (ALS, AD, PD). We visualize biochemical reconstitution assays with purified actin, microtubules, and regulatory proteins using single-molecule TIRF microscopy. We have strong expertise to visualize the effects of single molecules outside of cells, and are working to extend this knowledge to more physiological settings. We have created key optogenetic and single-molecule tools to build off preliminary in vitro observations investigating how liquid droplets, actin, and microtubules cooperate and compete in cells.
Samuel Herberg, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Herberg lab studies cellular and biomechanical aspects of tissue dysfunction in glaucoma, a neurodegenerative disease and leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. This includes both anterior and posterior ocular tissues, namely the trabecular meshwork and the lamina cribrosa at the optic nerve head. In particular, we are interested in determining the relative contributions of tissue-resident cells and their ECM to glaucomatous tissue stiffening affected by various mechanical forces. Tissue-engineered hydrogels are an ideal tool to investigate this pathology as they can be designed to mimic characteristics of the native 3D tissue environment, and enable accurate in vitro modeling of cellular and biomechanical behaviors under controlled conditions.
Jonathan Hess, PhD
Psychiatry & Behavioral Science
The mission of the Hess laboratory is to uncover genetic and molecular contributors of risk and resilience for a broad range of brain disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, autism, and Alzheimer’s disease. We use statistical methods to analyze transcriptomic and genomic data for disease-related patterns, apply cutting-edge machine learning methods to assess utility of biomarkers available in peripheral tissues to diagnose neuropsychiatric disorders, and develop bioinformatic tools to enhance our discoveries. We have created pioneering methods such as the Brain Gene Expression and Network Imputation Engine (BrainGENIE), a computational toolset that accurately infers gene expression levels in the brain of living individuals from blood samples.
Brian Howell, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Howell lab studies how dysfunction in the Reelin-Dab1 signaling pathway influences neuronal migration disorders, autism and Alzheimer's disease. In particular, we are interested in the crosstalk between the Reelin-Dab1 pathway and other molecular pathways linked to these conditions. We use mouse and cell culture models, including patient-induced pluripotent stem cells, to study the effects of signaling aberrations in these diseases.
Huaiyu Hu, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Hu laboratory studies mechanisms of retinal degeneration in the blinding disease retinitis pigmentosa and of brain malformations in syndromic congenital muscular dystrophies associated with development delays and ocular abnormalities. We use the zebrafish and mouse to model these human disorders. Currently, we are developing experimental gene therapies using various animal models.
William Kerr, PhD
Microbiology & Immunology
The Kerr lab studies transplant immunology and stem cell biology. More recently, we have started looking at neuroinflammation in models of Alzheimer’s disease and potential therapeutic targets related to microglia.
Barry Knox, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Knox lab researches the regulation of gene expression during ocular development and cell differentiation. Our particular focus is on the transcriptional regulation of the rod photoreceptor protein rhodopsin. Using techniques such as the yeast one-hybrid assay, we identify potential transcription factors of rhodopsin, which we then test in downstream analyses to fully characterize the molecular dynamics involved in the regulation of this critical visual system gene.
Julio Licinio, MD PhD
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Dr. Licinio's work has examined the link between obesity and depression, looking into how anti-depressants can cause weight gain. Most recently, he co-led, with Dr. Ma-Li Wong, a study with a team of international researchers providing evidence of a strong link between schizophrenia and the organisms that reside in the digestive tract. The team found through genetic sequencing, vast differences of the gut microbiomes found in those with schizophrenia. These findings could transform the way schizophrenia is treated.
Hui-Hao Lin, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Lin lab studies the neural circuit function in the brain, specifically how the sensory input is translated into behavioral output and how the internal physiological states drive flexible behavior. We are especially interested in how specific nutrient signals influence animal behavior on multiple levels, such as feeding and reproductive behavior. Using Drosophila as a model organism, we combine molecular biology, neurogenetics, behavior, and functional imaging techniques to investigate the following questions:
- What is the neuronal substrate that orchestrates nutrient-specific feeding behavior? (2)
- How are different nutrient-specific signals integrated in central circuits to regulate feeding?
- How do internal states alter the setpoint of physiological needs to change feeding and reproductive behavior?
Chunyu Liu, PhD
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Research in the Liu lab mainly focuses on identifying the molecular mechanisms of of major psychiatric diseases, particularly bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. We use comprehensive approaches, including genetics, bioinformatics, genomics, and cellular & animal models.
Reyna Martinez-De Luna, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Martínez-De Luna laboratory researches how the extracellular matrix influences the development and connectivity of retinal ganglion cells in the retina and brain. We specifically investigate laminins and their receptors in the routing of retinal ganglion cell axons to their final targets in the brain and the placement of ganglion cells in the retina using the mouse as a model. Understanding these mechanisms is critical to understand visual development and to restore retinal ganglion cell connections after injury or disease.
Paul Massa, PhD
The Massa lab researches inflammation of the central nervous system with a focus on Multiple Sclerosis. Our major goal is to identify the biological determinants of pathological changes which lead to MS by focusing on immune cell activation and infiltration of the central nervous system. In order to accomplish this, we combine patient cell and mouse models of MS. In particular, we examine gene expression and its determinants using a combination of techniques, which include bisulfite sequencing, reverse transcription PCR, Western blotting, and more.
Russell Matthews, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Matthews lab studies the role of extracellular microenvironment in normal brain development and maturation, and its contribution to neural disorders and injury. Our lab is particularly interested in a substructure within the extracellular matrix called the perineuronal net. This structure is a key regulator of developmental plasticity and has been implicated in an array of neuropsychological and neurological disorders. The lab utilizes a combination of biochemical, neuroanatomical, and molecular approaches to understand the function of perineuronal nets and the neural extracellular matrix in both the normal and damaged brain.
Frank Middleton, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Middleton lab is focused on determining the biological bases of psychiatric and neurological disorders. We use high-throughput genetic, epigenetic, and functional genomic techniques with human subjects or animal and cellular models to identify molecular mechanisms linked to these disorders. We are particularly interested in autism, schizophrenia, ADHD, Parkinson's disease, alcohol abuse, and traumatic brain injury.
Christopher Neville, PT, PhD
College of Health Professions – Physical Therapy Education
The Neville lab focuses on objective measures of mobility across a range of clinical topics. The lab, and collaborators, aim to develop models of human movement to inform device design and clinical assessment techniques. Currently, a primary interest is lower extremity biomechanics following concussion injury. The use of lab-based biomechanical measures can validate clinically adapted measures of gait, balance, and overall mobility in clinical populations to advance and inform clinical care. The overall goal is to use quantitative biomechanical models to inform clinical assessment and treatment to improve care for those with Parkinson’s disease, concussion injuries, or other motor impairments.
Eric Olson, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Olson laboratory studies neurodevelopmental disorders that disrupt dendritic growth and neuronal differentiation. The dendrite is a major component of the wiring of the brain, and disruptions of dendritic development are associated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), autism and epilepsy. We use multiphoton microscopy and mouse disease models to examine how genetic mutations, early neural activity and fetal ethanol exposure alter dendritic growth and brain structure.
Francesca Pignoni, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Pignoni lab focuses on the roles of transcription factors and signaling molecules in neurogenesis and eye development. We primarily use the Drosophila melanogaster as an in vivo model, as it provides us with an incomparable platform for genetic analyses. We also work in cell culture and in yeast to dissect protein function at a molecular level. Lastly, we rely on transcriptomics to understand gene networks. Genes we study are cause of congenital disorders in humans. Dr. Pignoni also serves as the Chair of Neuroscience & Physiology, and is Director of the Neuroscience Graduate Program
Eduardo Solessio, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Solessio lab applies electrophysiological techniques, animal visual behavior, and mathematical modeling to identify the cellular and molecular mechanisms of temporal processing in the retina. We recently developed an operant assay where mice are trained to detect and respond to a flickering visual stimulus, an action that requires cortical input and decision-making. Using this approach, we have established a model of vision that matches fundamental properties of human psychophysics. We are currently pursuing two lines of research using different transgenic mouse lines: 1) determine how photoreceptor kinetics shape visual temporal information as the retina transitions seamlessly between rod-driven vision in dim lights and cone-driven vision in bright lights, 2) determine the limitations in the processing of temporal visual information in common forms of retinal degeneration.
William Spencer, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Spencer Lab addresses how vertebrate vision is performed on the molecular level. Specifically, we study the biology and pathophysiology of rod and cone photoreceptor cells. We are working on two mysteries. First, how do photoreceptor cells build their gigantic “rod” and “cone” light sensing organelles on the molecular level? Second, how do defects in the formation of these organelles lead to neuroimmune activation, photoreceptor cell death and vision loss? Answering these questions may lead to novel therapies for numerous causes of blindness in humans.
Levi Todd, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Todd lab studies retinal glia and their capacity to protect and regenerate neurons. Most blinding diseases result from loss of retinal neurons, a cell type humans lack the ability to regenerate. However, some species such as fish and frogs are able restore lost vision by regenerating neurons from glia. Our lab is attempting to use lessons from regenerative species to reprogram mammalian glia to replace neurons. This involves projects encompassing engineering glia to express developmental transcription factors, cell-signaling manipulation, and neuroimmune modulation. Findings from this work pave the way for future cell-replacement therapies in neurodegenerative diseases.
Daniel Ts'o, PhD
The Ts'o lab is interested in decoding the underlying logic of cortical region development, particularly in cases where multiple regions share a common purpose, or a common region serves multiple functions. Our studies have revealed different pathways for distinct aspects of visual processing in a patchwork map of the cortex. In the visual cortex, we are studying how the various visual cortical regions interact. In the neocortex, we study how functional domains can be segregated within a cortical region. Together, these studies have important implications for our understanding of the brain's architecture and connectivity.
Mariano Viapiano, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Viapiano laboratory studies the mechanisms by which the neural microenvironment contributes to brain cancer initiation and growth. In particular, we focus on extracellular matrix components that trigger pro-tumoral effects and are produced by cancer cells. We generate novel reagents to target these molecules in brain cancer and utilize patient-derived and organ-on-chip tumor models; mouse models of cancer; molecular and cellular techniques; and high-end genomic analyses of brain cancer datasets and biopsy samples to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Andrea Viczian, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
The Viczian lab is interested in human eye disease and how it originates during embryonic development. This process is disrupted in patients with anophthalmia (no eye) and microphthalmia (small eye), where the underlying cause in many cases is unknown. We identified T-box transcription factor, Tbx3, as an initiator of eye formation in frog. Our lab has extended these studies to the mouse, where we will determine which stages of mammalian retinal development require Tbx3. When misregulated, Tbx3 causes cancer. In other areas of the body, Tbx3 is required for normal lung, heart, limb and mammary gland formation. How Tbx3 is regulated in the eye and its underlying function is unknown. Insight into how this transcription factor functions may reveal links to causes of developmental eye disease.
Cynthia Weickert, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The MiNDS lab uses quantitative molecular biology and neuroanatomical techniques in the postmortem human brain and in animal models to understand the biological basis of schizophrenia. In order to understand normal human development and aging, we chart molecular and cellular brain changes across the human life span, in humans from two months in age to 100 years. Using cellular neurobiology, histology, anatomical molecular mapping, transcriptomics, and quantitative molecular assays of proteins, metabolites and enzyme activity to analyze the human cortex and basal ganglia, we seek to uncover the underlying causes of schizophrenia and other disorders.
Richard JH Wojcikiewicz, PhD
The current research foci of the Wojcikiewicz lab are the degradation of IP3 receptors and other endoplasmic reticulum proteins by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and the cellular role of Bok, a Bcl-2 protein family member that binds to IP3 receptors. Dr. Wojcikiewicz currently serves as the Chair of Pharmacology
Ma-Li Wong, PhD
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
The Wong lab researches major depressive disorder (MDD) and comorbid diseases using a combination of animal models and clinical studies. We look at MDD at both a systemic level, investigating the relationship between MDD and the gut microbiome in animal models; and at a cellular level, characterizing the role of the inflammasome and novel targets in mediating stress-induced depressive-like behavior and antidepressant response. We have also been probing the role of glia in eating, anxiety, and depressive behaviors. Our lab is very collaborative, both within Upstate Medical University and with external investigators.
Wei-Dong Yao, PhD
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
The Yao Lab studies synaptic and circuit plasticity underlying reward, emotion, and social behaviors in normal and disease conditions, with a focus in dopamine and the prefrontal cortex. Combining electrophysiology, behavior, optogenetics, and chemogenetics, we investigate how intrinsic and synaptic plasticity and modulation in PFC circuits are impaired in addiction, FTD (frontotemporal dementia), and autism, leading to behavioral deficits associated with these diseases. Employing molecular and cellular approaches, we also elucidate novel molecular mechanisms that regulate synapse formation, stabilization, and pruning. We use transgenic and viral-transduced mouse models and human iPSC-derived neurons.
Li-Ru Zhao, PhD
The Zhao lab investigates the mechanisms underlying pathological progression and brain repair in cerebrovascular diseases, brain trauma, and neurodegenerative diseases. Our long-term goal is to search for new strategies for enhancing brain repair in stroke and traumatic brain injury and for restricting pathological progression in Alzheimer’s disease and CADASIL disease. By recently recognizing that brain diseases and injuries disrupt the entire brain networks and brain functioning, Zhao lab research aims to develop next-generation approaches for brain repair in these devastating diseases. Current research projects in the Zhao lab are supported by research grants funded by the NIH and VA.
Sijun Zhu, MD, PhD
Neuroscience & Physiology
The Zhu lab is focused on characterizing processes of brain development using the Drosophila model. In type II neuroblast lineages, intermediate neural progenitors greatly expand production of neurons. By elucidating mechanisms underlying the proliferation and differentiation of the intermediate neural progenitor cells, we hope to gain mechanistic insights into the generation of brain complexity and brain tumor formation. In the mushroom body of the adult Drosophila brain, the mushroom body output neurons connect through their dendrites to specific axonal segments of mushroom body neurons. We use this model to clarify cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying subcellular-specific targeting of dendrites. Such subcellular specificity of synaptic connections has profound impact on neuronal activity and function.
Michael Zuber, PhD
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Normal nervous system development requires the precise control of both cell proliferation and differentiation (neurogenesis). Diseases resulting in too few, the wrong type, or too many neural cells, all have devastating effects, including developmental defects, cancers, and abnormal brain function. The Zuber lab uses both frogs and mice to address the fundamental question, “How are proliferation and differentiation balanced in neural cells?” Our long-term goals are to determine how this balance is maintained and identify changes that disrupt normal neural differentiation. Answering this seemingly simple question could lead to treatments for human diseases resulting from premature or delayed neurogenesis.