Selected Publications
Weickert CS, Rothmond DA, Purves-Tyson TD. Considerations for optimal use of postmortem human brains for molecular psychiatry: lessons from schizophrenia. Handb Clin Neurol. 2018;150:221-235. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-63639-3.00016-5. PMID:29496143
Chesworth R, Long LE, Weickert CS, Karl T. The Endocannabinoid System across Postnatal Development in Transmembrane Domain Neuregulin 1 Mutant Mice. Front Psychiatry. 2018 Feb 7;9:11. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00011. eCollection 2018. PMID:29467679
Karis K, Eskla KL, Kaare M, Täht K, Tuusov J, Visnapuu T, Innos J, Jayaram M, Timmusk T, Weickert CS, Väli M, Vasar E, Philips MA. Altered Expression Profile of IgLON Family of Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of Schizophrenic Patients. Front Mol Neurosci. 2018 Jan 29;11:8. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00008. eCollection 2018. PMID:29434535
Fullerton JM, Klauser P, Lenroot RK, Shaw AD, Overs B, Heath A, Cairns MJ, Atkins J, Scott R; Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank, Schofield PR, Weickert CS, Pantelis C, Fornito A, Whitford TJ, Weickert TW, Zalesky A. Differential effect of disease-associated ST8SIA2 haplotype on cerebral white matter diffusion properties in schizophrenia and healthy controls. Transl Psychiatry. 2018 Jan 22;8(1):21. doi: 10.1038/s41398-017-0052-z. Review. PMID:29353880
Loo CK, Husain MM, McDonald WM, Aaronson S, O'Reardon JP, Alonzo A, Weickert CS, Martin DM, McClintock SM, Mohan A, Lisanby SH; International randomized-controlled trial of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in depression. International Consortium of Research in tDCS (ICRT). Brain Stimul. 2018 Jan - Feb;11(1):125-133. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.10.011. Epub 2017 Oct 27.PMID:29111077
Weickert TW, Weickert CS. Raloxifene Improves Cognition in Schizophrenia: Spurious Result or Valid Effect? Front Psychiatry. 2017 Oct 12;8:202. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00202. eCollection 2017. No abstract available.PMID:29075208
Rahman T, Zavitsanou K, Purves-Tyson T, Harms LR, Meehan C, Schall U, Todd J, Hodgson DM, Michie PT, Weickert CS. Effects of Immune Activation during Early or Late Gestation on N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor Measures in Adult Rat Offspring. Front Psychiatry. 2017 Sep 4;8:77. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00077. eCollection 2017. PMID:28928676
Boerrigter D, Weickert TW, Lenroot R, O'Donnell M, Galletly C, Liu D, Burgess M, Cadiz R, Jacomb I, Catts VS, Fillman SG, Weickert CS. Using blood cytokine measures to define high inflammatory biotype of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. J Neuroinflammation. 2017 Sep 18;14(1):188. doi: 10.1186/s12974-017-0962-y. PMID:28923068
Di Biase MA, Zalesky A, O'keefe G, Laskaris L, Baune BT, Weickert CS, Olver J, McGorry PD, Amminger GP, Nelson B, Scott AM, Hickie I, Banati R, Turkheimer F, Yaqub M, Everall IP, Pantelis C, Cropley V. PET imaging of putative microglial activation in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis, recently diagnosed and chronically ill with schizophrenia. Transl Psychiatry. 2017 Aug 29;7(8):e1225. doi: 10.1038/tp.2017.193.PMID:28850113
Bousman CA, Cropley V, Klauser P, Hess JL, Pereira A, Idrizi R, Bruggemann J, Mostaid MS, Lenroot R, Weickert TW, Glatt SJ, Everall IP, Sundram S, Zalesky A, Weickert CS, Pantelis C. Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) polymorphisms linked with psychosis transition are associated with enlarged lateral ventricles and white matter disruption in schizophrenia. Psychol Med. 2018 Apr;48(5):801-809. doi: 10.1017/S0033291717002173. Epub 2017 Aug 22.PMID:28826413