Attendance is mandatory during the clerkship. Additionally, students are expected to attend all lectures. Core didactic sessions include:
- Localization
- Epilepsy and Transient Alternation of Consciousness
- Headache and Facial Pain
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Peripheral Neurology
- Coma & Intensive Care
- Disorders of Speech & Learning
- NeuroOphthalmology/Otology
- Stroke
- Movement Disorders
- Brain Tumors
- Spine
- Neuroradiology
Please see the syllabus for further details on the school’s attendance policy.
Logging and Passport
Completed clinical experiences are documented through logging in MedHub as well as on the Neuroscience Passport. Requirements for clinical logging are as follows:
Diagnosis/Condition Name | Experience Type | Minimum Role Required | Minimum # Required | Options/ Alternative Experiences |
Transient or paroxysmal alteration of neurologic function: | Real | Performed | 2 Inpatient or Outpatient | Not Needed |
Weakness of alteration in motor system: | Real | Performed | 2 Inpatient or Outpatient | Not Needed |
Headache or focal pain: | Real | Performed | 2 Inpatient or Outpatient | Not Needed |
Numbness or paresthesia: | Real | Performed | 2 Inpatient or Outpatient | Not Needed |
Neurologic emergencies | Real | Performed | 2 Inpatient | Not Needed |
Change in Mental Status | Real | Performed | 2 Inpatient or Outpatient | Not Needed |
The Neuroscience Passport is an additional component of tracking student’s clinical experiences during their clerkship. This document serves as method of tracking call assignments, write ups, and faculty supervision of examination skills in addition to your clinical logging. Students should keep their passport with them during all clerkship assignments, and must turn in their completed passport at their final exam.