Patient Care Pass
The Nappi Wellness Patient Care Pass is a special card we give patients at our clinic. Your Care Pass helps your Care Team know where you are in the clinic and helps our staff provide safe and timely care. The goal is to improve your experience moving through your visit, including the ability to provide shorter wait times.
Here's How It Works

When you come in for your first appointment, we’ll give you your Care Pass. It’s yours for the whole day.
How To Wear It
We’ll ask you to put your Care Pass on and make sure it’s in a visible location – don’t keep it in your pocket or purse.
Where To Return It
As you’re leaving the Nappi Wellness Institute, please place your Care Pass in the marked drop boxes at the checkout or near the building exits. You can also give it to one of our staff members.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about our Care Pass system.
What happens if I put the Care Pass in my purse or pocket?
The Care Pass will not work if it’s not visible to light in the room. The sensors are on the ceiling, so if the Care Pass is in your pocket or purse, your location will not be known.
What do I do with the Care Pass after my visit?
Please look for a drop box (located at check out and near each exit) and leave your Care Pass in the box.
Will my Care Pass track my location outside of the Nappi Wellness Institute?
No, it’s only able to identify your location while in certain areas within Nappi Wellness facility. It will not work outside the building.
How often is it cleaned?
We clean each Care Pass thoroughly after every patient use and discard after 31 days of use.
What do I do if I have concerns about wearing a Care Pass?
You’re encouraged (but not required) to wear the Care Pass. Please inform a member of your care team if you would prefer not to wear the device.
Will the Care Pass be used to monitor how long I’m in the restroom?
No, there are no location sensors installed in any restrooms.
Can the Care Pass be worn in the MRI area (high magnetic areas), radiology and other sensitive areas?
The Care Pass CANNOT be worn in the MRI area and should be removed before entering the screening room. It CAN be worn in CT, X-ray and other radiology areas. If you’re unsure about a particular area, please check with your care team.
What about pediatric patients or other patients who may not be able to keep the Care Pass on throughout their visit?
A family member or person accompanying the patient may wear the pass. However, this person must stay with the patient throughout the visit.
Is my Care Pass waterproof?
The Care Pass is water resistant but not waterproof, so please do not submerge it in water.
What happens if I accidentally bring my Care Pass home with me?
Care Passes should be treated as medical equipment. Please drop your pass off at the Nappi Wellness front desk. In the case that you’ve forgotten it, please bring the pass back with you and give it to a caregiver at your next appointment.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
Please contact your provider’s office for additional information on the Nappi Wellness Care Pass.