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Working Group 5: Standard V - Educational Effectiveness Assessment and Requirements of Affiliation 8 & 9

Meeting Minutes

Below are meeting minutes for Working Group 5: Educational Effectiveness Assessment

Meeting Minutes 4-13-17

Meeting Minutes 5-1-17

Meeting Minutes 5-18-17

Meeting Minutes 6-5-17

Meeting Minutes 6-22-17

Meeting Minutes 7-10-17

Meeting Minutes 8-7-17

Meeting Minutes 8-24-17

Meeting Minutes 9-28-17

Meeting Minutes 10-2-17

Members by Title and Role on Working Group

Name Title Role on Working Group
Lauren Germain Director, Evaluation, Assessment, and Research Co-Chair
Susan Graham Associate Dean, College of Health Professions Co-Chair
Colleen Dillenbeck Coordinator, Evaluation, Assessment, and Research Admin Support
Gary Brooks Associate Professor, College of Health Professions Member
Terri Brown Administration, College of Graduate Studies Member
John Folk

Assistant Dean, Clinical Sciences - College of Medicine

Margaret Formica

Assistant Professor, Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Assistant Professor, Urology

Karen Klingman

Associate Professor, College of Nursing

Eric Olson Associate Professor, Neuroscience and Physiology Member
Susan Wojcik Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine Member
Krysten O'Hara Student, College of Graduate Studies Student Member