Medical Staff Services
Our Mission
Improving patient safety through expertise, teamwork and customer support.
Physicians Apply Here
Health Professionals Apply Here
Practitioner Privileges
- Check current privileges. (If you do not know your user name and password, please e-mail Medical Staff Services.)
Post-Graduate Trainee Credentials
- MedHub (No need to log in! Search by name, or specialty and trainee type)
Hospital Verification Requests
To use MDQuery:
To pull a verification from MD-Query, go to MD-Query and log in.
If you need log in information, please call 315-464-5733. If no letter is available for the practitioner you are verifying, please fax your request with a release to 315-464-8524, or e-mail it to us.
To access the NAMSS PASS™ visit NAMSS PASS. Login to the NAMSS Website using your NAMSS member username and password, or by creating a guest account. Once you log in, click on Access the NAMSS PASS.
You will have access to all affiliations that have been uploaded to the NAMSS PASS™ for each practitioner (including their affiliation with Upstate University Hospital) and the dates of that affiliation. You will then have the option to print an affiliation letter indicating the status of good standing.
New York State facilities please note: the NAMSS PASS affiliation letter does not address pending or settled malpractice claims as required by NY PBH. LAW Section 2805-k.
If no letter is available for the practitioner you are verifying, or you are a New York State facility and need a letter addressing NY PBH. LAW Section 2805-k, please fax your request with a release to 315-464-8524, or e-mail it to us.