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Top Ten Reasons

Top Ten Reasons to Choose Upstate

  1. 97% Board Pass Rate over the last 10 years.
  2. Full ACGME accreditation with no citations.
  3. Competitive fellowship placement both at Upstate and around the country.
  4. Three hospitals, all within walking distance, serving three distinct patient populations making for an exceptional combination of bread-and-butter as well as esoteric medical experiences.
  5. Amazing, approachable faculty with a passion for teaching as evidenced by repeated teaching awards from the institution.
  6. Scholarly opportunities abound with world-renowned researchers.
  7. A friendly, collegial atmosphere within a brand new, state-of-the-art facility making for a fantastic professional experience.
  8. A medium-sized, safe city with low-cost of living, no traffic, and lots of activities year around making for a fantastic personal experience.
  9. Geographically located such that nearly all major cities in the northeast are within a 4-5 hour drive.
  10. After reading all of the above, WHY NOT Upstate?