Top Ten Reasons to Choose Upstate
- 97% Board Pass Rate over the last 10 years.
- Full ACGME accreditation with no citations.
- Competitive fellowship placement both at Upstate and around the country.
- Three hospitals, all within walking distance, serving three distinct patient populations making for an exceptional combination of bread-and-butter as well as esoteric medical experiences.
- Amazing, approachable faculty with a passion for teaching as evidenced by repeated teaching awards from the institution.
- Scholarly opportunities abound with world-renowned researchers.
- A friendly, collegial atmosphere within a brand new, state-of-the-art facility making for a fantastic professional experience.
- A medium-sized, safe city with low-cost of living, no traffic, and lots of activities year around making for a fantastic personal experience.
- Geographically located such that nearly all major cities in the northeast are within a 4-5 hour drive.
- After reading all of the above, WHY NOT Upstate?