
Pagers will be distributed during the week of Orientation. If the resident would like the pager prior to this date, they may stop by the EPO (Room 5138 UH, 5th Floor of the hospital) and pick their pager up.
Each resident will be provided an individual pager for their use throughout the entirety of their participation with the Department of Medicine. The pagers that are used are text style pagers, which allow you to receive text messages in addition to phone numbers, which is very helpful when you are busy and can not answer your pages immediately.
If you complete your residency, and continue on as a Chief/Fellow/Faculty, you will be able to keep this pager number as long as you are within the Department of Medicine.
If there is a problem with your pager or you need a battery please see the EPO office for assistance.
If it is after hours or our office is closed, please report to the main hospital Security office on the 1st floor of University Hospital, as they will be able to assist you.