VA heart failure clinic with Dean Humphreys John Ulahannan, Shoma Singh, and Pratik Dalal looked into various heart failure outcomes among veterans enrolled in the clinic. John and Shoma will each present a poster and Pratik got accepted to present an oral presentation at Chest 2013. All 3 abstracts can be combined into 1 publication, and I am not sure who is going to do it.
Early ICU mobility Gaya worked to start an early mobility program in the VA ICU and will present her preliminary findings at Chest 2013. She is working on a publication that looks into readmission rates, and at last glance, she recruited the Nat brothers for a multicenter study with Upstate.
Comfort Care in the VA Arpan developed a comfort care pathway and is currently conducting pre/post surveys on the pathway. He will present the pre-pathway findings at Chest 2013.
Cardiac Wound Care clinic at the VA Amit Sharma evaluated outcomes from the VA cardiac wound care clinic, looking into cardiac device infection rates. We submitted 2 abstracts to IDSA 2013.
Diabetes and MOVE program Shristi Neupane is looking into diabetes outcomes among veterans enrolled in the MOVE program. She is hoping to submit an abstract or 2 to ACP this coming year. Started the project in June 2013, planning to work on it more in the second half of her third year.
Readmission rates at the VA and the LACE calculator Sicily Bradley is looking at readmission rate reduction at the VA by using the LACE calculator to stratify veteran risk of readmission. She is aiming for a publication or abstract submission.
Multidisciplinary rounds at Upstate Chris Lau is looking at improving multidisciplinary rounds on medical floor teams at Upstate and whether an improved MDR improves length of stay, communication and patient satisfaction.
Perceptions of the new ACGME duty hour restrictions on the Upstate Internal Medicine residency program Omar Mousa worked with Rushikesh, Samana and Amit Bhardwaj with Dr. Dhamoon at the quality of resident education and quality of patient care in a survey based study, which was presented in the Upstate Research Day.
Dinesh Ananthan and Bhavya working with Dr. Dhamoon on measuring the effectiveness of Elective X with a resident run review of discharge summaries with a CDI nurse on clinical documentation.
Shristi Neupane working on a Quality Improvement Project to evaluate current inpatient diabetes mellitus management in Upstate University Hospital. This was exempt from IRB. Mentor: Dr. Prashant Nadkarni. She evaluated the blood glucose of all diabetes patient admitted in the month of January 2013. After evaluation, she made and distributed the pocket card for inpatient diabetes management to all the residents. Right now she is going through the hypoglycemia cases to see if anything different can be done on the protocol to prevent recurrent hypoglycemias in same patients. The protocol on the pocket card has been planned to be used as a protocol once EPIC rolls in inpatient setting.