Quality Conferences
January 12, 2023 -"A Needless Situation"
Drs. Maroun Bou Zerdan and Dayana Nasr
1. Discuss that delay in securing IV access leads to delay in care.
2. Process of securing IV access on medicine floors and barriers/challenges in difficult encounter.
3. The role of different teams in securing an IV access.
February 9, 2023 -"Gaps in Transition"
Drs. Danielle Lapaglia and Jenish Bhandari
1. Discuss about the timely and accurate process of discharge medication reconciliation.
2. Identify gaps in discharge process for patients going to nursing facilities.
3. Discuss the importance of communication amoung the providers, patients, and their caregivers during transition of care.
March 9, 2023 -"Avoid Anchoring! Avoid Delays"
Drs. Nisij Shrestha and David Urciuoli
1. Early recognition of sick patients and appropriate triage.
2. Avoid Anchoring bias to avoid delay in care.
3. Reviewing images personally avoids in achoring and delay in care.
April 13, 2023 -"Falling through the cracks"
Drs. Gayatri Pemmasani and Nirali Shah
1. Discuss the appropriate work up and management of patients with recurrent falls in an outpatient clinic.
2. Understand the current transfer process system from an outpatient to inpatient setting.
3. Identify the impact of social determinants of health in the outpatient setting.
May 11, 2023 - "Dissecting the Perioperative care"
Drs. Kamala Ojha and Marina Seidel
1. Discuss the scope of preoperative risk stratification: RCRI and beyond.
2. Discuss the impact of pre-operative medication reconciliation.
August 24, 2023 - "Attention to Details: It Matters!"
Drs. Anuj Kadel and Kritika Padala
1. Discuss the management of heart failure.
2. Understand the importance of high-quality transition of care inpatient.
3. Discuss the importance of thorough chart review.
September 28, 2023 - "Patient's Perspective is their Reality; Communication is Key!"
Drs. Aakritee Sharma Subedi and Vidisha Desai
1. Discuss about optimal management of hypertension/blood pressure in a stroke patient.
2. Discuss about transition of care and handoff within the health care teams.
3. Discuss about communication with patient and their family.