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Hospital Purchasing

Purchasing, Hospital
Sarah Loguen Center
2nd Floor
650 South Salina Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
Google Maps & Directions
Phone: 315 464-6039
Fax: 315 464-4794
Hours:Monday thru Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm

The Hospital Purchasing Department strives to procure the highest quality goods and services for our University Hospital customers in a timely, cost-efficient manner. In promoting the mission of University Hospital, we focus our efforts on service and continuing purchasing education, while supporting the hospital community in our collective dedication to excellence in patient care.

Online Ordering:

Cobblestone Contract Management 


Hospital Purchasing Staff Directory

Main Number 315-464-6039
Fax Number 315-464-4794
Kelly Hartman Director 315-464-2400
Chrissy Lake Assistant Director 315-464-2404
Capital & Services Team
Jim Robinson Purchase Associate - Equipment, Furniture, Software, Repairs, TELP 315-464-2420
Brennan LaQue Purchase Associate - Equipment, Furniture, Software, Clinical Engineering, TELP 315-464-2403
Virginia Frost  Purchase Associate - Equipment, Furniture, Software, Repairs, TELP 315-464-2410
Dan Nagle Purchase Associate - Books, Dues, Memberships, Personal Reimbursement, Printing/Forms, Annual Service, Annual Subscriptions 315-464-2424
Annie Osborne Purchase Assistant - for Jim Robinson, Brennan LaQue, and Virginia Frost  315-464-2408
Michelle Geyer Purchase Assistant - for Dan Nagle  315-464-7074
Karlie Jarvis Purchase Assistant - for Jim Robinson, Brennan LaQue, and Virginia Frost & Clinical Engineering  315-464-2419
Medical/Surgical Supply Team
Sheree Banks  Purchase Associate - Lab, Medical Gases   315-464-2418
Rachel Hawthorne Purchase Associate - UH OR  315-464-2426
David Mazza Purchase Associate - CG OR 315-464-2405
Taylor Butchko Purchase Associate - MMW, Clark Burn, Dental, DIST, ED, Environmental Services/Linen, IV Sets & Solutions, Nursing Units/Clinics, Oncology, Onondaga Nation, Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Respiratory Care, UHCC, 550 Harrison 315-464-2401
Honey-Beth Nelson Purchase Associate - Cath Lab, EP, Vascular Lab, IR, Endoscopy 315-464-7338
Mike Cushner  Purchase Associate - Pharmacy and Nuclear Medicine 315-464-2417
Trevor Mark Purchase Assistant - to Taylor Butchko, Sheree Banks, and Honey-Beth Nelson 315-464-2416
Chris Doerle Purchase Assistant - to Taylor Butchko, Sheree Banks, and Honey-Beth Nelson 315-464-2047
Ernest (Chas)  Stacey Purchase Assistant - to Rachel Hawthorne and David Mazza 315-464-2392
340B Contract Pharmacy Team
Contracting and compliance for 340B contract pharmacy revenue program
Amanda Marzella  340B Contract Pharmacy Manager  [email protected]
Rebecca Kowaleski Purchase Associate - Office Supplies/S&B  [email protected]
Ben Combs  340B Contract Pharmacy Coordinator [email protected]
Bella Simonds 340B Contract Pharmacy Coordinator [email protected]
Vendor Compliance in Cobblestone
Entering documents and tracking dates into Cobblestone for vendor compliance
May Zhong Compliance Coordinator & P-Card Reconciliation 315-464-2416
Strategic Sourcing 
Anthony Adamitis  Strategic Sourcing Analyst  315-464-7468
Ronnie DeFazio Purchase Associate  315-464-2734
Support Staff
Kim Zbikowski Secretary 315-464-6039
Samantha Maas Administrative Assistant to Supply Chain Management  315-464-6039