HealthLink on Air Categories
Category: Depression

About a third of stroke patients are likely to feel depressed
May 30, 2024
Interview with Carrie Garcia and Jessica Mungro, PhD

The disorder can disrupt life in a household
November 20, 2023
Interview with Lubov Leontieva, MD, PhD, and Anureet Sekhon, MBBS

Postpartum depression; benefits of high-intensity exercise: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023
November 2, 2023
Interviews with Seetha Ramanathan, MD, and Carol Sames, PhD

War, political and social instability play a part
October 30, 2023
Hani Aiash, MD, PhD, has looked into Iraq’s mental health crisis and discusses...

New mothers can get emotional support from therapy, drugs, their community
September 27, 2023
Interview with Upstate psychiatrist Seetha Ramanathan, MD

Edible pot vs. smoked pot; mental health services for youth; bladder cancer and treatment: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022
February 11, 2022
Interviews with toxicologist Willie Eggleston, PharmD, child psychologist Ron...

Boosting one's spirits and energy in winter; insights into pandemics; regenerating the retina: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021
December 31, 2020
Interviews with Assistant Dean of Wellness Kaushal Nanavati, MD; authors and...

Advice for getting through a winter of pandemic discontent
December 8, 2020
Interview with Kaushal Nanavati, MD, assistant dean of wellness at Upstate

Advice for returning to school during the pandemic
August 27, 2020
Interview with Jana Shaw, MD, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at...

Testicular problems; smartphone addiction; dementia research: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, March 8, 2020
March 5, 2020
Interviews with pediatric urologist Anthony Tracey, MD, psychiatric nurse...

Minimizing antidepressant withdrawal; a discovery behind blood-pressure drugs; low-fat vs. low-carb diets: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, July 21, 2019
July 19, 2019

National Institute of Mental Health official shares her passion for science
April 9, 2019

NIMH director surveys mental health issues; Upstate infectious disease research in Ecuador; benefits of a bigger medical lab; Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Nov. 4, 2018
November 2, 2018

Who should get the new shingles vaccine; how cancer can prompt depression; compassion without exhaustion: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018
October 19, 2018

National Institute of Mental Health director discusses depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and more
October 17, 2018

What transgender surgery involves; depression after a stroke; questions about home genetic test kits: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on AIr for Sunday, Oct. 14, 2018
October 12, 2018

Signs of depression can occur after a stroke
October 5, 2018

How members of the health care system will implement a 'Zero Suicide' project
September 20, 2018