HealthLink on Air Categories
Category: Adolescents

How to prepare for child’s first mental health visit
December 8, 2016

Though largely controlled, meningitis can be fatal
December 1, 2016

Stereotactic radiation for cancer patients; treatment options for eating disorders; preserving medical history through art: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016
November 21, 2016

Empathy in medical care; brain and spine tumors in children; holiday hazards in the home: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Nov. 20, 2013
November 17, 2016

Expert describes impact, treatment of childhood brain and spine cancers
November 17, 2016

Children's exercise needs; family emergency preparedness; hernias and their repair: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Nov. 13, 2016
November 11, 2016

Dealing with common childhood illnesses; portion-size tips; changing world of health care: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016
November 3, 2016

Encourage kids’ activity, limit their screen use, advises pediatrician
November 2, 2016

Fear of clowns; healthy choices in fast food; former opioid addict's brush with death: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Oct. 30, 2016
October 27, 2016

Pediatrician offers parents advice for dealing with childhood illnesses
October 27, 2016

Former addict recounts near-fatal encounter with antidiarrheal drug loperamide
September 29, 2016

Sleep disorders can complicate other health issues
September 23, 2016

Quicker diagnosis of suspicious lumps; abortion's changing legal history; challenges of vaccinating children: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Sept. 25, 2016
September 22, 2016

Explaining, confronting low childhood vaccination rates in lower-income areas
September 22, 2016

Falls and how to prevent them; art therapy for hospitalized children; volunteering for medical work overseas: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016
September 15, 2016

Treating injured children; bullying's long-term effects; ethics and end-of-life choices: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016
September 8, 2016

Bullying can cause troubles that go on for years
September 8, 2016

Overseas work is nurse’s way of giving back to world community
September 8, 2016

Art therapy aims to make young patients feel better
September 8, 2016

Aiming for total wellness; Cancer Moonshot's ambitious goals; missionary nursing's lessons: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Sept. 4, 2016
August 31, 2016