[00:00:00]Host Amber Smith: Here's some expert advice from registered dietitian Heather Dorsey from Upstate Medical University. How do you roast fresh vegetables?
[00:00:09]Heather Dorsey, RD: So to roast a vegetable, you would take a sheet pan. You can line it with some aluminum foil. Pick your roasted vegetables of choice, whether it be parsnips, sweet potatoes, some different types of squashes.
And then you would take a little bit a side of olive oil, and you can actually put a little bit of cinnamon in there and then baste the vegetables. And then just roast them in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit till they're a little al dente. And then just enjoy them. I wouldn't have to put anything else on them because you already used a little bit of the extra virgin olive oil as your healthy fat.
[00:00:45]Host Amber Smith: You've been listening to registered dietitian Heather Dorsey from Upstate Medical University.