2023 Articles

Condition can lead to heart failure
November 29, 2023
Interview with Cynthia Taub, MD, Upstate cardiologist on cardiac amyloidosis -...

Program monitors patients, provides specialized care
November 28, 2023
Interview with nurse practitioner Kristin Ramella and nurse Sarah Bobenhausen

Rapidly evolving technology lacks guidelines, rules or laws
November 27, 2023
Serife Tekin, PhD, explains some of the ethical concerns surrounding artificial...

Experts stress need to keep pot edibles, especially candies, locked up
November 27, 2023
Toxicologist Michael Hodgman, MD discusses the challenges arising from the...

Guidelines take years of cigarette smoking into account
November 27, 2023
Surgeon Michael Archer, DO discusses why screening people who are high risk for...

Many patients eligible for speedy discharge after surgery
November 27, 2023
Interview with Upstate nurses Lia Fischi and Pete Jaskula

The disorder can disrupt life in a household
November 20, 2023
Interview with Lubov Leontieva, MD, PhD, and Anureet Sekhon, MBBS

Ethical questions abound if humans are wired to machines
November 16, 2023
L. Syd Johnson, PhD, associate professor of bioethics and humanities discusses...

Procedure is best considered as permanent, but reversal is possible
November 16, 2023
Interview with Timothy Byler, MD, Upstate urologist - a vasectomy procedure is...

Considerations include possible future removal
November 14, 2023
Interview with Ramsay Farah, MD, Upstate dermatology chief