Host Amber Smith: Here's some expert advice from Dr. Ioana Medrea from Upstate Medical University. At what point should I see an expert about headaches?
About 80% of people have headaches at some point, and the time to see me is when your headaches are interfering with your ability to lead your life. So what does that mean? How would that look like? A lot of people I see have trouble doing their job because their headache is making them have to miss work, or when they're at work, have to step away and not be as productive as they could be.
Ioana Medrea, MD: Another manifestation would be issues with your ability to do your jobs at home, so running errands, cleaning the house, maintaining the house. When you're having significant enough headaches that you're finding yourself avoiding those tasks, that's another sign that it may be time to see a headache specialist.
And the last thing is when it's interfering with your social activities, you are shying away from seeing family, friends, or participating in things you would normally participate in because your headaches are severe enough that you don't want to leave your house. That would be another sign that you need to see someone for your headaches.
Host Amber Smith: You've been listening to neurologist Ioana Medrea from Upstate Medical University.