Expert Advice: Ways to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections
Host Amber Smith: Here's some expert advice from Dr. Elizabeth Asiago Reddy from Upstate Medical University. How can someone who is sexually active protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections?
Elizabeth Asiago Reddy, MD: Regular testing is very important. So if you're, getting a new partner, then I am always very happy to see -- I used to work over at the STD center at the County (health department,) and we would have folks show up sometimes with their partners saying, "you know, we've met each other, and now we want to be tested before we have sex." And that would really, literally make me happy to see because that's exactly a safer approach to trying to enjoy a relationship where you're not worried about that being a part of it.
And then, obviously, condom use. Condom use remains incredibly effective for people who are having sex, where a condom could be beneficial. And it's unfortunate that condoms have kind of waned in popularity. Their effectiveness is very, very high. And there were periods of time where, you know -- similar to how certain groups of people were very pro-masking and pro-testing before going to public gatherings due to COVID -- there were periods of time where things like that would be expected related to condoms. So, not even thinking about having sex without a condom was much more common in the past than it is now. And many of us in public health hope that that will change.
And then of course, I like the type of teaching that is offered in schools where it's a holistic approach to sexual health and really wanting to have all the options on the table: Who are your partners? Do you want to have sex right now? Do you not want to have sex right now? Are you in a good place to have sex from an emotional standpoint?
So all of those factors can go into actually improving rates of sexually transmitted infections.
Host Amber Smith: You've been listening to Dr. Elizabeth Asiago Reddy from Upstate Medical University.