[00:00:00] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: Marilyn McVicker has published several books of poetry and nonfiction. The poem she sent us deftlyseparates good doctors from poor doctors. She reminds patients to speak up and not settle for less than a caring professional. Here is "Doctors."
[00:00:18] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: I breathe, review my notes,
[00:00:20] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: while the clock ticks the minutes,
[00:00:23] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: weeks, years of illness, decanted
[00:00:26] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: into a 20-minute appointment.
[00:00:29] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: I have driven so many miles.
[00:00:30] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: Will she listen?
[00:00:32] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: Will she walk in with a smile?
[00:00:34] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: I have had so many doctors wear
[00:00:36] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: their impertinence like stethoscopes.
[00:00:39] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: "Well, you certainly don't look sick."
[00:00:41] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: "Your diagnosis is too complicated."
[00:00:44] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: "There's nothing I can do to help you."
[00:00:46] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: This poem is not for all those smirking
[00:00:49] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: frenzied physicians, who push judgment
[00:00:53] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: and peddle fear.
[00:00:55] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: This poem is for the doctor who pulled up
[00:00:58] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: a chair, made eye contact, listened. This poem
[00:01:03] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: is for the doctor who ventured from behind
[00:01:05] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: the computer, listened, asked intelligent questions.
[00:01:10] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: This poem is for the doctor who did not
[00:01:13] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: reflexively grab the prescription pad,
[00:01:15] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: realized I needed medical care, admitted
[00:01:19] Deirdre Neilen, PhD: he couldn't help, found someone who could.
[00:01:23] This poem is for the doctor who worked
[00:01:26] to find the right diagnosis, taught me to give
[00:01:29] my own injections, started home infusions,
[00:01:33] called each week to check in.
[00:01:36] This poem is for the doctor who understood
[00:01:38] his partnership was more important than healing
[00:01:42] that would never come.