Expert Advice: How to choose a pharmacy
Host Amber Smith: Here's some expert advice from pharmacist, Eric Balotin from Upstate Medical University. How should a person pick a pharmacy?
Eric Balotin: I think when a patient should be looking for a pharmacy, they should looking for a pharmacy that they can make a connection with. So is that pharmacy delivering the type of care that they expect from a pharmacy? I mean, you want a pharmacy that's going to pay attention to the medications that you're taking and making sure there's no drug interactions. You want a pharmacy that's going to be looking out for your best interest so that if you can't afford a medication, looking for resources that can provide that medication at a discount or looking for an alternative therapy so that you can get some sort of a medication to treat your issue or your problem. You should look for a pharmacy that has outreach phone calls. So our pharmacy and other pharmacies communicate with patients on a monthly basis to say, "Hey, you're due for your refill," kind of a reminder phone calls. We also should look for a pharmacy that says, "Hey, my prescription's ready for me. Should I come pick it up?" So, I always say, as a pharmacist, that you should really try to find a pharmacy that you can make a connection with, that's going to service you well, and that really has your best interests at heart.
Host Amber Smith: You've been listening to pharmacist, Eric Balotin from Upstate Medical University.