Adam and MaryBeth Gillan of Rochester and their daughter, Maisie, who died in January 2019 at 9 months of age from an accidental poisoning.
A tragedy leads parents to advocate for preventing unintended medication exposures in children
Adam and MaryBeth Gillan of Rochester lost their daughter Maisie in January 2019 after the 9-month-old swallowed a pill that had fallen on the floor of a neighbor's home. They talk about their efforts to improve medication safety, so no other family has to experience a similar loss. Toxicologist Jeanna Marraffa, PharmD, joins the discussion in her role as assistant clinical director of the Upstate New York Poison Center. March is national Poison Prevention Month. It's also the month when Maisie was born. This year, she would have turned 2. The Gillans have also addressed medication safety in a video produced by the poison center, which is also offering information on preventing poisoning by medications and other means. As part of the safety effort, medication lock boxes are being distributed.