2018 Articles

A novel approach to fighting a cancer; dealing with partner violence; medicine's wartime lessons: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018
November 29, 2018

Researcher pursues novel path to fight Kaposi's sarcoma
November 21, 2018

NIMH director surveys mental health issues; Upstate infectious disease research in Ecuador; benefits of a bigger medical lab; Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Nov. 4, 2018
November 2, 2018

Ecuador hosts Upstate research on respiratory viruses
October 26, 2018

National Institute of Mental Health director discusses depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and more
October 17, 2018

What transgender surgery involves; depression after a stroke; questions about home genetic test kits: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on AIr for Sunday, Oct. 14, 2018
October 12, 2018

New street drugs and their dangers; diagnosing a type of nerve disorders; effort to prevent suicides: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018
October 5, 2018

Ethicist concerned about murky issues surrounding home genetic testing
October 5, 2018