2016 Articles

Former addict recounts near-fatal encounter with antidiarrheal drug loperamide
September 29, 2016

HealthLink on Air radio show/podcast: May 29, 2016
May 25, 2016

Dangerous highs: Teens are abusing sprays, cold remedies, antidiarrheals
May 12, 2016

How vascular disease can lead to muscle problems, heart attacks, strokes
May 12, 2016

HealthLink on Air radio show: May 8, 2016
May 5, 2016

Screening needed to detect common, but serious, disease: hypertension
May 5, 2016

HealthLink on Air radio show: April 17, 2016
April 14, 2016

Atrial fibrillation: A heart problem that can lead to stroke
April 6, 2016