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New techniques for urinary tract surgery are less invasive

Dmitriy Nikolavsky, MD and Jonathan Riddell, MDA variety of new reconstructive and minimally invasive treatments are being used to correct problems with the urinary tract in men, women and children. Upstate urologist Dmitriy Nikolavsky, MD (at left in photo), describes how he created a surgical procedure to restore a damaged urethra – the tube through which urine leaves the body – using a patient‘s own tissue and avoiding the need for a tube implant. Jonathan Riddell, MD (at right), a pediatric urologist at Upstate, tells how he uses a minimally invasive robotic surgery system to correct urinary tube problems without large incisions or long hospital stays, how Botox injections help control bladder incontinence and how urinary problems can be diagnosed, and treated, before birth. Research points to a future where restorative grafting will be done in innovative and ever less invasive ways, Nikolavsky says.
