Facebook plea inspires Upstate nurse to donate kidney to stranger

Victoria Fitzpatrick holds her baby, Carter, as she talks about receiving a new kidney from Upstate nurse Jody Adams (right). (PHOTO BY WILLIAM MUELLER)
Upstate University Hospital nurse Jody Adams talks about her decision to donate one of her healthy kidneys to a woman she had never met in what transplant team members refer to as an altruistic kidney donation. Adams learned about Victoria Fitzpatrick's need for a kidney through a Facebook post, written as if it came from Fitzpatrick's new baby, Carter. Transplant surgeons Rainer Gruessner, MD, and Vaughn Whittaker, MD, explain how people need just one kidney to live, and how donating a healthy kidney can enhance the life of someone whose kidneys have stopped functioning properly. Dozens of people who saw the same Facebook post contacted the transplant team at Upstate to see if they were a match. At least one decided to donate one of her kidneys to another patient on the transplant waiting list.