2014 Articles

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: The 90 minutes a day for 90 days challenge
May 11, 2014

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: Nine hours to a better you
April 27, 2014

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: A simpler way to make changes in your life
April 13, 2014

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: Prioritizing family over work
March 30, 2014

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: Join the club and become an organ donor
March 16, 2014

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: Anxiety into excitement, or, sing along with me!
March 2, 2014

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: More advice from the nursing home
February 19, 2014

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: Lessons from the nursing home
February 2, 2014

HealthLink On Air radio show: Feb. 2, 2014
January 27, 2014

Check-Up From The Neck-Up: SAD and cabin fever, or, Better to light a candle than curse the darkness!
January 19, 2014