Upstate Medical University, Infectious Disease Division is committed to serving the needs of our community. In addition to the excellent clinical care we provide to our patients, we also provide a number of outreach programs designed to meet the needs of the communities we serve.
Community Events
- AIDS Walk/Run
- Candlelight Memorial
- CNY Pride Festival
- Juneteenth Festival
- NY State Fair
- National HIV Testing Day
- Westcott Street Cultural Festival
- World AIDS Day
The Inclusive Health Services and Infectious Disease Faculty provide educational services for the community at large as well as medical professionals within the community. Contact Megan Brandt, IHS Nurse Manager at 315 464-5533.
- Community Education/Awareness
- Education for Medical Professionals
Upstate Medical University Foundation - HIV Assistance Fund, which supports HIV services for consumers not supported by insurance coverage other programs. If you would like more information regarding this fund please contact Megan Brandt, IHS Nurse Manager at 315 464-5533.
Donations may be sent to:
Upstate Medical University Foundation
HIV Assistance Fund #208
c/o Cheryl Kardjian
750 East Adams St., CAB Room 324
Syracuse, NY 13210
Please make checks payable to Upstate Medical University Foundation - HIV Assistance Fund #208