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It is mandatory for all personnel (including Principal Investigators) to have participated in a training session covering laws and regulations pertaining to animal care and use and to complete species-specific educational training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), hosted by the University of Miami.

In addition, SUNY Upstate Medical University’s Research Integrity Office requires research ethics education for all basic science & clinical investigators (including faculty, postdoctoral fellows/associates, clinical residents/fellows, students, lab staff, research nurses, clinical research associates and individuals from affiliated Universities participating in SUNY Upstate research projects). Completion of the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research Course (RCR) is required. Recertification in the RCR Refresher Course is required every 4 years.

CITI Online Training

All courses are available online at the CITI website.
View this document for guidance on which courses you should take.


When registering with CITI –

  • If you don’t have SUNY ID badge, use “1234” as your ID number.
  • If CITI will not accept your email address, use "[email protected]"

CITI completion reports –

  • Do not send your reports to the IACUC office. IACUC office has online access to all completion reports.

Aseptic Rodent Survival Surgery

Personnel who have no prior experience performing aseptic rodent survival surgery must complete the CITI Aseptic Surgery course, as noted above and view the Charles River video Principles of Rodent Surgery for the New Surgeon that demonstrates proper aseptic surgical techniques.

Personnel may also be required, at the discretion of the animal care director, to complete a hands-on training session. Individuals who will be performing survival surgeries on other species should contact the DLAR staff (464-6563) for assistance and are also encouraged to view the video reference above.

Personnel will not be added to a protocol and will not be cleared to train or work with animals until ALL required actions are complete. - View the instructions

Does your lab staff need training?

  • The Department of Laboratory Animal Resources can provide training/instruction for the following procedures:
    • Handling/Restraint of all species
    • Injection methods
    • Sterile/Aseptic surgical procedures
    • Methods of animal identification
    • Oral drug administration
    • Methods of sample collection
  • Please contact the DLAR Office at 315-464-6563 to schedule a training session.


Email the IACUC office or call 315-464-4292.
