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Reporting Concerns

How to report issues of noncompliance or concerns regarding the care and use of animals in research

Concerns or complaints regarding the care or use of laboratory animals at SUNY Upstate should be reported via phone (anonymously, if desired), email or in person to the Vice President for Research, IACUC Chair or the Institutional Compliance Anonymous Hotline.  Your question, complaint or concern will be brought to the attention of the IACUC and investigated as appropriate.

  • Dr. David Amberg, Vice President for Research
    Phone:  315-464-4515
    Email:  [email protected]
    Location:  1118 Weiskotten Hall

  • Dr. Richard Veenstra, IACUC Chair
    Phone:  315-464-5145 or 315-422-5028
    Email:  [email protected]
    Location:  3162 Weiskotten Hall
  • Institutional Compliance Anonymous Hotline:  315-464-6444

How to report issues of research misconduct

All Upstate faculty and staff are encouraged to report any suspected incidences of research misconduct to the Upstate Research Integrity Officer. Potential complainants are encouraged to visit the Research Integrity Office website for guidance on how to appropriately report issues of research misconduct.

  • Dr. Robert Quinn, Senior Director for Research Integrity and Research Integrity Officer
    Phone:  315-464-4292
    Email:  [email protected]
    Location:  2604 Neuroscience Research Building

The University will not tolerate retaliation toward or harassment of individuals who report actual or possible issues of noncompliance or concerns regarding the care and use of animals in research. All reasonable efforts will be made to protect the anonymity of complainants and to protect the rights and interests of all parties involved.

