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IACUC Policies and Guidelines


Item 1 Ether anesthesia
Item 2 Use of Hypothermia to Anesthetize Neonates
Item 3 Use of Tribromoethanol (TBE, formerly Avertin®)
Item 4 Use of Paralytic Agents During Anesthesia

Antibody Production, Experimental Neoplasia and Ascites Production

Item 1 Production of Polyclonal and Monoclonal Antibodies in Rodents and Rabbits
Item 2 Guidelines for the Production of Polyclonal and Monoclonal Antibodies in Rodents and Rabbits

Item 3

Guidelines for the Utilization of Animals in Experimental Neoplasia and Ascites Production


Item 1 Euthanasia as an Alternative to Death as an Endpoint
Item 2 Euthanasia of Neonatal Rodents
Item 3 Euthanasia Methods for Amphibians, Birds and Rodents
Item 4

Policy on Euthanasia for Humane Purposes


Item 1 Reporting Unusual or Unexpected Animal Deaths
Item 2 Use of Expired Medical Materials
Item 3 Tail or Toe Biopsy of Rodents
Item 4 Use of Embryonated Eggs
Item 5 Housing Density of Breeding Mice
Item 6 Exception to Guide: Housing Diuretic Rodents in Wire-Bottom Caging
Item 7 Transportation of Animals
Item 8 Use of Non-pharmaceutical Grade Compounds
Item 9 Investigating and Reporting Concerns of Animal Welfare


Item 1 Training Requirements

Item 2






Occupational Health/Zoonoses

Item 3

Training Requirements for Participants in Protocols Involving Instructional Programs

Protocol Review & Facility Assessment

Item 1 Protocol Submission and Review Flowchart
Item 2 Expedited Protocol Approval
Item 3 Submission of Revised Protocol after Initial Review
Item 4 Protocol Amendment (Addendum)
Item 5 Veterinary Verification and Consultation (VVC)
Item 6 Annual Protocol Review
Item 7 Triennial Protocol Renewal
Item 8 Studies Performed at Another Facility (Collaborations)
Item 9 Semiannual IACUC Program Review & Facilities Inspection
Item 10 Inspection of Individual Laboratories
Item 11 Use of Animal Tissues/Products

Restraint and Restriction

Item 1 Routine & Non-Routine Restraint
Item 2 Water or Food Restriction


Item 1 Multiple Major Survival Surgical Procedures
Item 2 Oocyte Removal (Multiple Surgery) from Frogs
Item 3 Guidelines for Survival Surgery on Rodents
Item 4 Documentation of Post-Surgical Recovery
Item 5

Guidelines for Anesthesia, Surgery and Analgesia in Amphibians

Regulations, Policies and Guidelines Governing the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
